Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A First

So.. this is my first blog.  My daughter is helping me set up my web-page.  How come she knows more than I do? Shouldn't it be the other way around.. I guess not when it comes to computers.Any-WHO... I'm new at this so I will keep it short.   Who AM I?? Well.. I'm a mother of two lovely little girls.  Did I say lovely? Not always..but for the most part.  They are ages 9 and 7 but the 9 year old seems to think she is much older.  For some odd reason.. she wants a cell phone.  I don't know many 9 year olds walking around with a cell phone.  The 7  year old is content without a cell phone but thinks a TV in her room would be nice.  Hmmm...Typical kids!!!   Ok.. back to me... I'm also a WIFE!! Yes.. you must get married to have kids.  At least that's the word on the street.   Dan and I have been married for 11 years.   He would have so much more to write about himself than I but, then again he would never leave a blog, or create a blog.  
I said I would keep this short.  I lied!!!  More about Me.. Remember this is my blog.  What do I do??? Well besides taking care of kids, my husband and our dog,  I am currently the captain for my tennis team.  I am also the room mother for my daughter's 3rd grade class.    Nothing really all that spectacular but someone must do it.  I must say that I will be happy when my responsibilities end.    I'm talking about being room mom not taking care of kids. 

OK.. I'll go for now.. Funny because most of you reading this already know all of this. 

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family