Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top 10 Highlights for 2009

Here are some personal highlights that I enjoyed this year. They are in no particular order.

1. Managed to stay away from McDonalds for a 3rd year in a row.. One small confession, Dan wanted a big mac after a long run one day and I went threw the drive-thru and got him one. None for me though.

2. Saw the Eiffel Tower and the Mona Lisa.
Loved loved Loved going to Paris. I was only there for two nights before going to Italy for an Acura Incentive Trip. It was very romantic just like in all the movies.

3. Went to Graceland for the very first time.
After 34 years the spell is broken. I really enjoyed saying to out of town guest that I had never been. before.

4. Went to Whistler with my family. Canada is a beautiful country. Had a great week with the family. Highlight of this trip was taking a sea plane into Whistler from Vancouver.

5. went to City playoffs with my tennis team.
It was a great feeling to WIN as a team. Fun week with some Fun girls!!

6. Went skiing in CO Tons of fun with family and friends. First year we have skiied as a family and the girls did not go to ski school. Megan and Rachel are finally old enough to keep up.

7. building our new home We bought our property in Nov 2007. We worked with an architect for almost 8 months before breaking ground. Then when the economy hit rock bottom we put construction on hold for a few months. Everything is in full swing now and I'm looking forward to moving in sometime in May or June.

8. Rachel had her first Communion
A very sweet occasion and a special time in Rachel's life. This is one of many steps in the right direction.

9. Participated in the Race for the Cure
I'm not sure why I chose this as a personal highlight but it is the first time in several years to have participated. It was a great day. Both girls also walked/ran in it.

10. Snorkeled with my dad in FL.
This time spent with my father was very very special. He had purchased the snorkeling gear at Wal-mart before going to Destin. One morning we watched from our condo commercial boats drop anchor and let almost 30 people jump in the water and search for the unknown. We thought it was funny they were probably paying almost $30 a head to snorkel when we were doing it for free. (minus the cost of the snorkel gear). We snorkeled for two days and brought back all sorts of goodies including 3 hermit crabs. He and I were a team those two days of snorkeling and I know I will always have that memory.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tennis news

Last Monday, my old 2.5 team met at Starbucks for a Christmas get together. Ratings just came out at the end of November and I have good news, I am officially a 3.0 player. What does that mean? Well not much because I was already playing up a level, but I can not play on my old team with my buddies. Boo Hoo!! Hopefully some of them will also play up a level and I'll still get to play with them.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another Crazy Weekend

Megan ask me on Tuesday if she could have a Christmas party on Friday. I agreed and by Wednesday morning she had already sent out the Evite to 3 little girls. They are older now and I thought "sure I can handle Megan and 3 other little girls". So this past week I prepared by buying the ingredients to make all sorts of cookies, and went by the school to make copies of the Christmas Carols. School let out on Friday at noon for the Christmas break and Rachel ask at the last minute if she could invite Olivia over. Once again I said "SURE". So between lunch time and party time, I mentally prepared myself for what would happen once four 11 year olds were in my house and two 9 year olds. Once everyone was here, we started in on the cookies. I was immediately aware that my help was unwanted. However, without my help the cookies would have burned in the oven. They lost interest fast and only made two sugar cookies. Afterward they went around the neighborhood singing Christmas Carols. Dan arrived home HUNGRY and Whisk them off to eat. That gave me an hour or so to regroup. When they came back, Dan put a movie on and it was smooth sailing from there. I finished making the cookies and made sure they each had a small box to take home.
Saturday was somewhat peaceful until about 2:30. That morning I took Rachel shopping to buy Megan a gift. She knew exactly what to buy so we didn't waste any time. Megan had a basketball game at 3. She made her first basket during a game. YEAH!! As soon as the game ended Megan and I hurried home to change and head to a mother daughter Christmas party. Each girl was to bring an ornament. This is the first year they have played dirty Santa. In the past, we were afraid it would bring tears. They did exceptionally well and everyone seemed to have fun with it.
Today has been somewhat quite. We went to church this morning. We usually sit on the back row but today we sat on the very front row. We arrived early this morning and I said to Dan let's sit closer to the front. He said "no I don't like shaking people's hands and if we sit in the middle, I'll have the front and the back". I then argued my heart needed to sit up front. Meaning I needed to HEAR a good message for once. It's really hard to listen in the back. I am easily distracted. My mind wanders. So he heads directly for the FRONT ROW!! A little close for comfort. After church we came home, baked cookies, wrapped gifts, and cleaned. Dan's parents are arriving tomorrow so I also made lasagna for Tuesday night. Thursday night we will go to my mothers so I still have to decide what we will eat the other nights. More than likely, we will get TAKE-OUT. I have a busy day tomorrow. I've got to sit down and make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I sold an item on EBAY so I have to mail it.'s been a busy week!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Good news!!

Rachel tried out for the Jungle Book Play and she got the part of BALOO. We are so excited!! Last year she was in Sleeping Beauty and was a goon with about 5 other kids. It turned out to be a fun part and I thought they stole the show. The play will take place at St. Georges and is Feb. 25-27th. They start practice Jan 5th, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So Exciting. Rachel loves the stage. For the Christmas Program she had a duet and sang Away in a Manger. It was precious. Here are a few pics. It was 3rd and 5th grade which was perfect since I so happen to have both in those grades. Hee Hee!!

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family