Saturday, September 13, 2008

Soccer Etiquette

Rachel had her 2nd soccer game today.  It was an extremely busy day for her, this morning she cheered.  When I signed Rachel up for soccer, they gave us like 5 pages of rules.  1. Don't instruct from the sidelines, 2. don't yell at your kid from the sidelines. 3. Let the referee do his job and don't yell at him to instruct the kids.  This is not word for word but you get the idea. Apparently, this lady at today's game clearly did not receive the rules. Or she did not read the rules.  The kids are ages 7 and 8.  They are out there having fun.  They have no cruel intentions or is anything malicious. So this lady is yelling at another little girl to stop shoving.  And then yelling at the Referee to stop the girl from shoving.  The referee looks to be no older than 17.  I was so happy when he looked at the lady and gave her a piece of his mind.   But even before that, she was yelling at her daughter.. "Anne Wallace-get to the ball.. Hit it!!" And then when Anne Wallace would miss- she would say.. "Anne Wallace"  in a disappointing tone.  It was so ANNOYING!!!  Maybe it's her loud voice that annoys me.  Who knows!!   It just reminded me to keep yelling "WAY TO GO GIRLS!!" "Great Job Girls".. I was so proud of Rachel when she gave her teammate a high five for making a goalie.  She did this at last weeks game too.  Great Sportsmanship.

Monday, September 8, 2008


It's 10:23pm and I'm posting a blog instead of packing. Tomorrow I leave for San Diego.  Dan is there on business.  We will be celebrating 12 years of marriage.  I must say for the most part they have been 12 very happy years.  We've had our ups and downs like most couples but neither one of us has ever left.  Maybe we've wanted to leave.  I never knew where to go.. It's a good thing MAMA doesn't live close.  Hee Hee.  I'm positively certain we will be celebrating again in 12 years... Ok.. I really must pack but I thought I owed it to the COMPUTER to write a blog.. I really don't think anyone reads this.. but it makes me feel good to write my thoughts down. 

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family