Monday, October 11, 2010

Destin Continued

I may not have mentioned that I DROVE to Destin. Phew that is a long trip. Was the drive worth it- yeah.. I guess so. I'm still young enough that I can recover fairly quickly. Right??? Dan flew down late on Thursday. I know I know.. but you gotta know Dan and our relationship to understand how he gets away with it. HA HA!!! It's not the first time. And I've even flown coach while he sat in 1st class. I'm laughing about it-so that tells you that I'm not too mad. Just secretly. :-) Actually someone had to bring his bike down for the Tri. Why would that someone be him?
Rachel brought her friend Paulina with us to Destin. I believe Megan had a friend last time so it was Rachel's turn to bring someone. We stayed in a house right on the beach. It was just beautiful!!! The weather was perfect everyday. I only wish next time-we stay a little longer.

Note: The black and white of Rachel and Megan is my attempt with Photography.

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