Thursday, April 14, 2011


I have Big News!! There will soon be a new addition to our family. That's right, a new baby!! We are expecting Oct 30th. I will be honest by saying that when I first learned I was expecting, I had mixed emotions. In my opinion, Dan and I had always wanted a third but we were too busy with two small children, traveling and life as we all know it. In some ways, we were selfish too. Babies are not small for long and we were both happy to be out of diapers, bottles, and sleepless nights. Then before you know it, your small children have entered the double digits. Megan will be 13 and Rachel 11 when this baby is due.
Yeap.. my life will soon change from what I know it. Tennis on Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays will no longer be on the agenda. That's OK.. (wait that's me convincing myself again) I'll be fine. But just like with the other two, this baby will grow and time will fly as fast as it has flown with Megan and Rachel.
Next month, we will find out if we are having another little girl or a boy. I'm not sure I realize the realization of how life will change, but I think once we know the gender, it will set in even more.
What does Megan and Rachel think about all this excitement? Megan is very excited!!! She can't wait to start buying things for the baby. (Megan loves to shop)Rachel is afraid she will lose the title of BABY. Those were not her words but she is jealous and is afraid mommy will no longer have time for her. I think she will change her mind when she sees how innocent and tiny this little human being will be.

Stay Tuned, it's about to get really interesting!!!


Arlene said...

Congrats!! We had the same mixed feelings about our third (surprise) Carson and Cade were 7 when Cole was born and it was a huge adjustment, but so worth it...We wouldn't trade him for the world!! I confess your brother told me a few weeks ago, but I was waiting on you to share, lol. I hope things continue to go well

Dawn Ray of Sunshine said...

WOW! that's awesome news. Congrats!!!!!!!!!

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