Friday, October 17, 2008

Lost for words

I really don't know what to write about today.  But again I thought I owed it to the computer to write so here goes...

I can't believe November is just a couple of weeks away.  This year has flown by. Megan will turn 10 next month.  DOUBLE DIGITS.  Man the years have clicked on by... 
Dan and I are going to Asia Nov. 7th and once again we are missing our daughters birthday.  Every year a trip or meeting falls on her birthday.   Well.. not every year but either we are gone or we come home a day early.  So this year I have planned her party for Nov. 4th.  She is having a skating party.  But since it is a double digit birthday we also have to plan a sleep-over.   I'm running out of days.  The sleep-over will have to wait until we return.   When I was little my mother spoiled me on my birthday.  My husband however says he and his two siblings received one cake because their birthdays were all within days of each other.  Aug 9, 10th and 12th.  I guess it makes sense to have one cake.  Anyway..Megan seems to understand.  Grandma will be here to spoil her like she spoiled me growing up.  Now speaking of birthdays... Rachel turned 8 on Oct. 3rd.  Her big party is this weekend.  We are having it in the service drive of the dealership.  Believe it or not, Dan has planned almost the entire party.  Or his assistant did but I'm not suppose to know that.   It has made me a nervous wreck not having control of this party.   So after Sunday one down 1 to go. Or 2 to go since we have to have a sleepover too.   Then there's Thanksgiving and then Christmas... It's too bad those two holidays are not spread apart more.  Maybe we could start having our Thanksgiving in Oct when the Canadians celebrate theirs.  That would be so much more convenient.  

Ok.. so I'm off to vote today.   

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