Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tennis match

Today, I took the girls to a tennis match at the Racquet Club.  It was my fourth time this week to go to the Championship.  Monday I went with my tennis team.  Wednesday I took Rachel.  Friday, Dan and I took Megan and then today.  PHEW!!! I would not have gone today had it not been for 1st Tn giving us tickets.   Megan was bored both nights that she went.  Rachel however, enjoyed it but was only concerned with getting autographs at the end of the match.   Wednesday night she got Llayton Hewitt's.  Tonight she wanted Andy Roddick's but to no avail.  She went down there but there were just too many kids trying to get autographs.  She was so disappointed when she came back to the seat with no autograph that she started crying.  Poor Girl!!! She has it so rough!!! 
After the tennis match I took the girls to Osaka for dinner.  Rachel had sushi for the 2nd time.  Yeah..I'm so proud of her for trying new things.  Megan still doesn't drink milk or eat butter.  There's more but I don't have time to list what she doesn't eat.  

Besides it raining all day.. it was a great day!!!! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


What did I do before Facebook?  I can't decide how I should handle my new addiction.  I waste entirely too much time on it.   Why do I care to see what friends are doing when I haven't seen them in years.   Curiosity?? Who did she marry?  What does she do for a living?  Is she still the biggest nerd ever?  Or the wildest girl around?  Or is it because I want to show off all of those things to others.. I have two children, I married so and so, and I  am still as classy as ever!!!! HA HA
Whatever the reason be, it's consuming way to much of my time.  There are things in my house waiting on me.  Closets need to be organized.  My garage has Christmas decorations waiting to be put away.  My favorite book is waiting to be read.  Or better yet.. what's for dinner?  
My husband gives me the evil eye when he sees me playing on the computer.  Lately my excuse to him is "you watch just as much tv".    It's true, he does watch a lot of tv.  Is it any different?  

Rachel got in the car from church on Sunday and asked what I was giving up for Lent.  I told her Facebook.  Can I do it though?   How hard will it be to not connect with friends?   40 days??? Phew!!!!! 

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family