Thursday, August 25, 2011

My last entry

I'm feeling a little guilty after writing my last blog entry. I do hope you will forgive me. Tonight I went to Megan's football game and many people ask how I was doing. Friends, Acquaintances- and I felt like all were very genuine in my well being. I guess it's strangers that bother me. Either way.. don't pay any attention to my last entry. Yes I know I could delete it but I won't. GUESS WHAT PEOPLE???? It's almost September!!! YEAH!!! Yeap..I'm crossing the days off.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A blog written by Julie's hormones....warning!!!

Can I just say I am so over being pregnant!!! From day one, I have been emotional, sick, uncomfortable and the list goes on! I'm not a good pregnant person. I'm tired of the comments! I'm tired of discussing how much has changed in 10 years. I'm tired of being ask if we have chosen a name. BTW we have not chosen a name and when we do we will not be sharing it until he makes his debut. Because you ask??? Because you will tell me how you know someone with that particular name or will nod your head as you like it but don't. I recently read that the weather was the most discussed topic of conversation among people. So basically, if people don't know what to say to you they discuss Hurricane Irene. In my case though, I give people a topic. Strangers at the supermarket ask when I'm due, Really lady!!!! Do you really care or do you have another motive? Maybe you want to tell me how your daughter is also expecting. I know you may think I'm being mean and maybe you think people are genuine when they ask. I'm sorry. Next time you have a conversation with a stranger, ask yourself, am I asking questions because I really care about this stranger or because I can't wait to tell her about my situation. Usually it's the second. Humans are very selfish- including myself.

I'm sorry hormonal Julie wrote the above paragraph. I know people mean well and heck I do the same thing. Usually when someone's talking, I can't wait for them to finish so I can tell them my own story. Pitiful I know!!!! This blog alone is all about me!! It's basically a bragging wall. Let's face it though-humans are selfish beings. At least I claim to be selfish and do not deny it. I'm ready for October 26th to be here. Then I will be giving all my time and energy to a precious little boy (not so selfish). Hmmmm???

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!

This past weekend we celebrated Dan's 40th birthday in Vegas. I don't advise going to Vegas 7 months pregnant. I tried to be a good sport. I hung out at the club two nights in a row sipping on my water all night(2am). I danced next to the skinny minis... wearing their MINIS. (or they were tunics-the girls were confused) I inhaled lots of cigarette smoke. I even hung out at the European pool (boobs everywhere) in my maternity swimsuit. YES I felt like a whale. I had to constantly remind myself that this weekend was not about me and to not let my pregnancy hormones take charge. It was not an easy task! Luckily I was surrounded by some really great friends who made me feel loved and provided enough laughter until the next birthday. Drunks are fun to watch but only for a short time and then you want to punch them!! Ha ha!!! I must say although I was pregnant we had a fabulous time!!! Dan had a great 40th and looks better than he did at 30. He has worked so hard!! I look forward to celebrating again in Vegas at 50 minus the pregnancy!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!! I love you!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


In July, we flew to Lake George NY for our summer 20 group meeting. We were expecting a break from the Tennessee heat but instead NY was having their own heat wave. Uggghhhhh!!! Lake George is set in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate NY. Very beautiful lake surrounded by the mountains. It reminded me of Lake Como in Italy. Besides the lake, there isn't much more to do in the community. We stayed at the historic Sagamore hotel which was once owned by the Vanderbilt family. I wasn't impressed with this hotel, I'm really more of a Four Seasons gal. I killed 7 spiders in our room. eeekkkkk...!!!! The place to be at this hotel is not INSIDE but OUTSIDE on the lake. We rented a pontoon every afternoon and took the kids out tubing. The kids loved it!!! We are always with the same group of friends from other Acura dealerships so it's nice to see them every summer since many don't make the Spring and Fall trips. With a new baby on the way, I will not be making our next fall trip. This will give me a chance to find my old body. It's MIA at the present moment. HA HA!!! I forgot how much I hate being pregnant. This baby boy kicks me constantly...and always at night right when I'm trying to go to sleep. Summer has been so long and I can't wait for October to arrive. I'm ready for the newest Umansky member to arrive. If it's ok with everyone else... Can we just skip August and September???

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family