Saturday, November 26, 2011


So what's life been like since Harrison was born? Exhausting, Emotional, Special, the list goes on... As an older and more experienced mother (yes I like saying that) I feel like I appreciate this time around more so than I did with the older two. Of course I loved my older two and their time was special too but I was also younger and unexperienced. I was always in a hurry for them to reach their next milestone. Crawling, walking, holding their own bottle, slowly becoming less dependent on me. This time...I know how quickly they grow up...and how it becomes harder and harder to protect them.
Harrison has brought much joy to our lives. The girls love holding him and playing that mommy role. Each wanting to change his diaper or rock him to sleep. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant...I cried and cried!! God knew what our family needed. He always knows best.
Everyone said I'd have so much help with an 11 and 13 year old around. Ummmm.. not so true. The girls are SUPER busy with their own schedules. SCHOOL, Gymnastics, cheerleading, dances, friends... friends... And did I mention FRIENDS!! For my oldest her friends take TOP PRIORITY!!! Rachel has actually been a huge help with Harrison. And I'm OH SO THANKFUL!!! Her schedule is not as demanding. And she doesn't have 15 friends.

Thanksgiving was this past week and I just want to say how THANKFUL I am for my family!!! Yes I am seeing things in a new light since Harrison's arrival.

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