Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Still Searching!!!

OK..so I've yet to find the perfect NY's Resolution but I want to share something else with you.   Two Years ago on a plane trip back from Italy I read a book called "Chew on This"  It's a story about McDonalds and how it started and how the corporation was run.  I have not been there since May 2007.  WHY you may ask??  Basically, the way I see it, is that McDonalds is a huge Corporation with a lot of money and since they have so much money they can control how other things are produced or handled.  For Example: Eggs.  Because they are the largest buyer for eggs, they wanted to buy eggs at the cheapest amount possible. But in doing so, it meant that the chickens were not in the cleanest environment.  Or the chickens were treated inhuman.   Sometimes for something to improve, money musts be spent.  Since McDonalds was the largest buyer and could practically go anywhere else to buy eggs they basically said look.."if you increase the price-we'll just buy elsewhere."   So the Chicken Company continued with their old practices because they didn't want to lose their largest buyer.   This also happened with the Apple Farmers.  Anyway.. I will give McDonalds some credit by saying.. things have changed.  I recently saw a show about McDonalds and what good it is doing for charities.    But for me-I'm ANTI MCDONALDS!!!  So why did I tell you this??? It just goes to show that you don't have to have a NY's resolution January 1st. You can start Feb. 1st.  or on Monday...Or even everyday when you rise from bed. Just remember that everyday is a new day.  

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