Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year!!

Yeah.. It's 2009!!  I pray 2009 will really bring change like our new president has promised.   I didn't vote for Obama but I'm ready to stand behind him and pray for him as he leads our country for the next four years.   I wish him the best!!!
I've yet to make a new years resolution.  I used to make big resolutions until last year.  Last year.. I decided to make a small one and that was to give up splenda in my coffee.  Well..let me start from about 4 years ago.  Four years ago, Dan bought a really fancy coffee machine. At the time NOONE drank coffee in our family.  Dan's excuse was for when his family visited. (they live in Canada and come maybe 3 times a year).  Ok.. so you have to know Dan and he enjoys buying expensive gadgets.  But at least he tried to justify.  So, that's when I decided that the machine needed to be used and I started drinking coffee.  I hated the taste but endured it.  I added milk and sugar. Then another new year went by and I switched to splenda because it's ZERO calories. Ok..that's another blog in it's self but I'll save it.   So then I started reading more about splenda and although there isn't scientific data- I thought the hell with it..I better give this up!! So.. I gave up Splenda!!   After all that...I'm back to coffee with just milk in it.  Back to coffee that I don't even like, so that's when I switched to Green Tea... And I love it!!!  And you may ask "what do you add to it".. and the answer is absolutely NOTHING!!!!   Ok.. so I added honey when I was in Asia but that's only because I was on vacation.  Oh.. last year I also made a New year's resolution to walk my dog at least three times a week.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen.   I honestly feel like I should give up facebook or tell myself that I'm only allowed on it once a day.. but that's just too hard.  Hmmmm what can it be!! I do need to lose 5-10lbs, but I want to make a resolution that I know I can obtain.. something small.    Right now.. i should stick to mini goals.. #1. Put Christmas Decorations away!! #2. Clean out drawer beside bed.  #3. Clean out garage...You get the idea. I basically need a bulldozer.  

Better run.. I'll let you know when I come up with the perfect NY resolution. 


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