Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Orleans

Live from Nawlings!!! Dan and I are in the big easy for NADA.  Not one of my favorite trips since hubby is in meetings most of the day.  I'm not complaining though because it gives me time alone from the headaches of home.  There's a difference in being at home alone and being in a hotel room alone.   At home, I know there is laundry waiting or right now Christmas decorations waiting.. But here, the only thing waiting on me is my book that I'm dying to read or my knitting that I brought along. Also.. all the movies on Pay Per View that I can't wait to catch up on.  
We arrived this morning so it's been a long day.  Sheree and I had lunch and then we..whoops I mean I (she never showed) went to work out.   I didn't work out long because the tv screen was making me mad.  I was on the eliptical and when my head would go up and down, the tv had a terrible glare.  Maybe tomorrow I will just walk around the French Market.

Driving here from the airport, you could see several water marks on homes. Also you could see where they took spray paint and marked the homes.  The markings show if bodies were found inside.  It's really an erie feeling.   I know for many people that live here, it was a terrible struggle.  Just imagine having your house destroyed by water.  Everything has to be thrown out.  Pictures, furniture, clothes.  It's truly starting over!!!

Ok.. I'm going to try and take a nap. I was up at 6am and didn't go to bed until 1am.  I'm just a little tired. 

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