Sunday, July 26, 2009

Another Birthday

My birthday has always been a special day for me!!! This year was no different!! The celebration started on Tuesday with a special dinner cooked by my mom. Steak, salad, potatoes.. yum yum and then a BEN and Jerry's ice cream cake!!! Perfect!!! On Friday morning, Dan surprised me with a gift which turns out to be a funny story. When we were in Canada, a girlfriend and I used his phone to look up a purse that she has been wanting to buy. Apparently, Dan doesn't remember this and the next day sees a purse that he thinks I had looked up. So Dan surprises me with a purse my friend wanted. It's the thought that counts right???? Not to worry, the purse has already been sent back and I hope (fingers crossed) that another purse is on it's way. (one that I emailed to him after opening the wrong one). So all in all, it's been a great birthday week. That's right, I'm entitled to celebrate the whole week. Here are some silly pictures of me enjoying my birthday with my family!! I wish I had some of that cake left!!!

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