Sunday, September 19, 2010

New Favorite Salad

Herb Salad Mix
Swiss Chesse
Newman's Parmesan and Garlic Dressing

Mix above ingredients and EAT UP!!!

Ann made this for Kerry and I at her Jean Shop last week and it was very tasty. I made it again this weekend for Dan and I. He liked it without the avocado.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Autumn Leaves

I had a great time with my mom last night. This is my second time to attend a GOGIRLART party. It was mom's first. She loved it too!! We had an emergency phone call right as we were beginning so it was really hard to concentrate on our painting but we plowed threw. Megan broke her wrist last night at cheer and my sweet mom wanted to leave right away but I said NO!! Dan was more than capable of taking her to the ER and dealing with two hungry children. I knew in my heart he could do it. Did he want to do it-ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! He would have loved for me to have left the art party and release him of his painful duties. I know Megan needed me and wanted her mommy more than her tough daddy but it worked out. Today is a new day and she now is sporting a bright pink cast.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Knee Deep or Thigh High?????

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to go downtown and help my friend at her jean company. It's called Thigh High Jeans. They are recycling old jeans collected in bins around Memphis and then adding powerful messages and cute fabric to the legs. Ann and Kerry are probably two of the most creative people I know. Ann and I have known each other since Rachel started Kindergarten at St. George's. Just to make one pair of jeans takes almost an hour. Washing, splitting the legs open to add fabric, adding the message, adding tags, stamping the label, packaging. My help was definitely needed. I was interested in learning the research that goes behind finding quotes and making sure they are not copyrighted. Did you know no one can use Martin Luther King Jr's quote because his family did not agree to release it? Me either. I always find it interesting to see how businesses are operated. Their workspace is Kerry's art studio and also the old Greyhound building. Check out their jeans at There's two ways to buy a pair. 1. you can either pick from the hundreds they have or 2. you can take them your own favorite pair and have them add the message. 50% of their profit from one pair of jeans goes to charity. Ann and Kerry are "BE the Change you want to SEE"... Great going girls on your new endeavor. I wish you the best of luck!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010


I just wanted to share my project of the day. I actually hung a picture and three crosses. Not bad huh??? It doesn't take much to excite me. This is in my office. I love it!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick post!!

Since I gave my laptop to my daughter, I am finding it harder and harder to blog. I used to blog late at night, in bed. Not anymore!!! Oh well. This is our third week in school. Everything seems to be going well. Megan has football cheer practice after school and tonight they started competitive cheer practice. Rachel has NO activities right now and I feel really bad because she has been asking to do voice since the end of school last year. Megan's activities always seem to come first for some reason. Don't worry about Rachel, the school plays will start soon enough and she'll most definitely try out. Dan and I went to see Train Monday night and it was AWESOME!!! I had no idea I would know so many songs. I love to sing and dance (not on stage)!!! The Delta Fair starts this weekend and more than likely we will go on Saturday. I can't wait to eat FAIR FOOD!! Yum Yum.. Pronto Pups, Cotton Candy, funnel cake.... OH Yeah!! More time in the gym next week. Speaking of gym.. I went today for the first time in MONTHS. It's not like I haven't been exercising because I have been swimming and playing tennis but today I got on the stair master and treadmill. I still hate the gym. Blah. Why can't everyone be skinny, rich and young?? Just saying???? Wouldn't that be great??? I think so...
So I'm rambling and I should be spending time with my husband who is in bed watching tv.

have a great weekend!!

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family