Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick post!!

Since I gave my laptop to my daughter, I am finding it harder and harder to blog. I used to blog late at night, in bed. Not anymore!!! Oh well. This is our third week in school. Everything seems to be going well. Megan has football cheer practice after school and tonight they started competitive cheer practice. Rachel has NO activities right now and I feel really bad because she has been asking to do voice since the end of school last year. Megan's activities always seem to come first for some reason. Don't worry about Rachel, the school plays will start soon enough and she'll most definitely try out. Dan and I went to see Train Monday night and it was AWESOME!!! I had no idea I would know so many songs. I love to sing and dance (not on stage)!!! The Delta Fair starts this weekend and more than likely we will go on Saturday. I can't wait to eat FAIR FOOD!! Yum Yum.. Pronto Pups, Cotton Candy, funnel cake.... OH Yeah!! More time in the gym next week. Speaking of gym.. I went today for the first time in MONTHS. It's not like I haven't been exercising because I have been swimming and playing tennis but today I got on the stair master and treadmill. I still hate the gym. Blah. Why can't everyone be skinny, rich and young?? Just saying???? Wouldn't that be great??? I think so...
So I'm rambling and I should be spending time with my husband who is in bed watching tv.

have a great weekend!!

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