Thursday, June 24, 2010

Megan takes on FLORIDA-and INDEPENDENCE!!!!!!!

Megan had the opportunity to go to Seaside last week with a friend. When the friend invited her back in April, we explained to Megan that she would need to start saving. She gets $11 a week because she's 11. She's responsible for walking the dog, making her bed, bringing her plate to the sink, etc. It's light work but it's a start. She saved $210 dollars. Megan is home from Florida now but on Day 3 of her 9 day trip, she forwards a picture of her wearing a pearl necklace. The email reads "it was $30 off". I knew right away it was expensive. I later learn it was $120. I'm thinking "oh great-she's already blown all her money." I had mixed emotions. No# 1 It is her money. No# 2 It beats five crappy items that add up to the same amount. I guess I was just hoping she would have spread her money out instead of using half of it on Day 3. It all worked out and apparently she had to do with out other items that caught her eye. So YES a lesson was learned. She also told me that one day when she and her friend were eating ice cream, a little girl and mother were also there and the mother suggested they split an ice cream cone. The little girl apparently didn't like this idea and threw a fit. Megan said "mom.. I hope I never act like that" (sorry but you have) and "the mom was trying to save money". Yeah-another lesson was learned. Phew.. So I am doing something right. The other experience was that she and her friend rented bikes for the week. The bikes come with locks but the girls were not using them and sure enough the bikes were stolen. I think they must have spent 3 days looking for their bikes. They finally found them on the side of the road. I think next time, they will be sure to lock their bikes. I can only HOPE.

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