Sunday, January 16, 2011

Better late than never

Happy New Year everyone!!! January is already moving right along-leaving me to play catch up. We had a great Christmas!!! We went to see Dan's family in Canada. It was great getting to see all the snow. (and all the family) Canadians don't think anything of all that snow-they just keep going. Dan's sister lives in VT, so we took a day trip to Burlington during our visit. She fed us meat pies!! Oh my goodness-they are so good!!! Thanks to Elena, we will be having meat pies monthly!!! She also fed us carrots glazed in maple syrup. Our eyes will definitely see clearer in 2011 since it too is my new favorite item to cook. We returned from Canada the Thursday before Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with my family. The traditional gathering of my parents and my brother's family. We are a small bunch but the gift giving is huge!!! The children take all the gifts from the tree and separate them by names. The adults are still gathered around the table taking their time to eat. I remember the same scenario at my grandmothers and the feeling of frustration so I hurried not to upset the children. Their excitement was close to bursting!! HA
Christmas Day is usually quiet at our house but this year we invited friends over. The Delisi's don't have any family in town so it was our treat to host them for dinner Christmas Day. Regardless of how many people are at our house Christmas Day, Dan always cooks a 20lb turkey. Dan cooks the majority of the meal on Christmas Day. Thank you very much hubby!!! I am in charge of sweets. I usually also cook a sweet potato casserole but decided against it this year since I am the only one who really eats it. My northern husband did not grow up on sweet potatoes and has no interest in eating them. Fine-have it your way but your missing out!!!!
So now it's January and as I said before, I'm busy catching up from the holiday craziness!! Christmas decorations are in the dinning room waiting to be placed in boxes. I've ignored them for two weeks now. I promise tomorrow they will disappear!!! January has started off great. I've finished reading The Middle Place. I love to read but I rarely have time so I'm happy to report that I've read one book this year and it's only day 16. Reading more is always on my New Years Resolution list. The year I also gave up coffee. I'm back on green tea. If your a regular reader then you know I am always going back and forth.
So I know that I haven't been posting but I think that's all about to change. I got an Ipad for Christmas and I will soon be ordering the bluetooth keyboard to go with it. I think this will help. I guess you'll know soon enough.

So Dan and I are off to Deer Valley at the end of this month. It's an incentive trip and we will be going to the Sundance Film Festival. Very Exciting!! I'm fretting over what to wear. I really need to get busy packing. We will have the opportunity to ski and go bobsledding. Super cool!! I've never tried bobsledding- a first!! We will also see two movie premiers. One is called Margin Call with Kevin Spacey and Demi Moore. The other is The Music Never Stopped. I don't recognize any of the names listed. Lou Taylor Pucci J.K Simmons and Cara Seymour.

It's bedtime. Enjoy the pictures!!! The first one is in front of Dan's parents house. The second one is the girls and I with Dan's sister's family in VT. Megan gave her snow suit to her cousin Kennedy. We were telling her how pretty she was. The third is of my family on Christmas Eve. And the last one is of the girls in front of where Dan grew up skiing and also the first place I ever skied. (Shawinigan)

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Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family