Saturday, March 28, 2009


Here are a few pictures of our house that we are building. We purchased the lot over a year ago. It is a 2 acre lot in Ingleside Farms. It is not far from where we live now. I know we have a long journey in front of us but I'm excited to be in the house one day. Both pictures are of the foundation.

Monday, March 23, 2009

One day at a time!

Ok.. After reading my last post and considering what some of you may be thinking from reading it, I just wanted to apologize and say I know I am so fortunate!! I am so blessed to have a family that is healthy and also have my own good health. God is definitely watching over me.

I have decided to just take one day at a time with the girls activities. If we make it to ball practice-GREAT, but if we miss-that's ok too. I've always been the person who signs up for everything and doesn't miss anything. I always say Yes if you need my help. Especially with school activities. Last week, I received an email asking for help at the Jane Goodall speech. They needed volunteers to help sell items. I immediately hit the reply button to say "Sure, I can help, I had planned on being there anyway".. but luckily before I hit send I decided that there were 20 other people who could also do it and that I am not the glue that holds the school together. Ok.. So I now know my New Year's Resolution. I know it's March. It's to say NO more often.

Friday, March 20, 2009


My schedule is so booked!! I don't know how I can possibly be so darn busy. Well..yes I do!! It's weird because for the first time in my life I am experiencing anxiety over all the activities in my life. Or in my kids lives. First, I am playing on two tennis teams. A 3.0 team and a 2.5 team. They practice once a week and starting next week, they also play once a week. On Monday's and Thursdays, I am working out with a trainer, but I am also working out alone when I am not working out with her. On top of all that..I agreed to help with our school Spring Fundraiser. Every year we have a online Auction. My job (and it's definitely a job) is to enter every item that will be listed on the web site. As of right now, we have 129 items. My boss is planning to give me another stack of papers on Monday and I'm sure there are another 40 items in the folder. I'm a little overwhelmed with this job alone because the Auction is scheduled to open for preview on April 1st and then bidding April 5th. Closing is April 19th which is a Monday and I'm positive that week will be busy with taking people's payments and making sure they receive their items. OK.. so I just told you my day job. I didn't even mention my house that I am now cleaning because we let our housekeeper go. My evening job begins at 3pm. Except on Wednesday's when they get out of school at 2:15. I find this job much much harder than my day job. One reason is because I have to work with people that are younger than me and they think they know more than I do. HA HA!!! Megan plays softball which is only one practice and one game a week. Rachel plays softball & soccer which is one practice and one game which equals 4 total of ball activity. Both girls play piano on Wednesdays. Rachel will receive her 1st communion May 2nd but in order to do so she must take Communion classes for 6 weeks. So every Thursday night, she has class. Usually on Friday nights, both girls want play dates and sleep overs. Which is the case tonight. Sunday is church day and then LUCKILY A peaceful afternoon but usually not the case because the girls are not going to sit quietly and enjoy a book. So that's my work week. Don't forget to throw in my dog (who likes to take walks), our fish, doctor appointments, car check up, grocery shopping, etc. The list goes on and on. I know I am not alone and that many of you have the same problems at home. Speaking of homes.. I forgot to mention that we are building a house which was luckily put on hold but I'm about to get busy again with that since we are starting back construction soon. Arhhhhhhhhh.. I want to go back to ASPEN!!!!! Room Service, Day on the slopes, laughing, relaxing in the tub.. no worries....

Be happy Don't worry!!!

Sorry you had to listen to my complaints tonight. But I needed to get this off my chest!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We are headed home today!!! Boo hoo!! It's been a great week.  The girls are really great little skiers.   They kept up with Dan and I the entire time.  Dan even took Megan down a black yesterday at Buttermilk.   Dan showed up at Buttermilk yesterday and surprised us since I thought he was skiing Aspen Mt.   This morning I am going to pack and then we hopefully will have time for breakfast and walking around town.  I am not looking forward to getting back into the swing of things at home.  Yuck.  Laundry for one!! Auction stuff -Yuck!!  I will be busy busy for the next two weeks entering items into an online auction for the school.   Vacations are so nice!! I love the break from reality!!   We are going home with chapped faces and two fever blisters.  Oh yeah.. and sore knees.  Rachel and I have fever blisters.  This is her first which I am disappointed about because I hate knowing that she will have to deal with them the rest of her life.   I get them about 3 times a year.   I didn't have my first until I was in my 20's. Poor baby!!!! I'm sure I gave it to her since they are contagious.    


I am excited about seeing Cody Bear.  My mom has him so it may not be Sunday or Monday until I see him.   

Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Break-Snowmass

Another great day of skiing!! I really really love this place. No worries!!! I wish life was like that 365 days of the year. Dan had a meeting this morning so the girls and I caught the 9am shuttle to Snowmass and we skied with another family from St. Georges. They have four children and their little girl is in the same grade as Megan. Megan and Tatum were awesome on the slopes. We ate lunch at Sneaky's tavern and then Dan showed up from his meeting and skied with us the rest of the day. Snowmass has really changed since the last time we were there. It's so much nicer. At 4pm we caught the shuttle back and somewhere between the bus and the hotel, I lost my phone. I am pretty sure I set it down inside the hotel. I've called it so many times from Dan's phone. It's so frustrating not having your phone. I can't believe someone has taken it but I'm pretty sure that is what happened.
Tonight for dinner, we ate at Asie. It's Chinese. The Tierney Family arrived yesterday and today was there very first time to ski. They have three boys and they all took a snowboarding class. Mike and Christy tried skiing. Christy got sick and has already said she wasn't going back tomorrow. I remember my first time and the altitude really takes getting used too. Mike, however, did great so hopefully he will be back for more tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the girls and I are headed to Buttermilk to ski. It's a fairly easy mountain and since Dan will not be skiing with us, I will feel more comfortable having them there. Dan is skiing Aspen Mountain which is at our hotel. I don't ski it because it is mostly blacks.

Another happy day of skiing!! Thank you God for watching over us!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ski Trip

It was a beautiful day to ski!!! Clear skys!!! We went to Snowmass today which is around 20 minutes from Aspen.  Our friends were also there so we had fun skiing with them today.  I got sick in the afternoon from altitude sickness.  I've been drinking a ton of water but I still got sick.  Dan went to the store today and bought some oxygen for me to inhale.  I immediately felt better after having it.  I even made it to dinner even though an hour before I was throwing up.   The girls did awesome on the slopes today.  It took us one run to find out ski legs.  Megan caught on the fastest.  I am still not completely comfortable with the blues.  I did one today but I just have this sick feeling when I'm going down it.    Skiing is suppose to be fun and I don't like getting all tensed up just because I'm going down a blue run.   Some of it is mental for me.  
We are expecting a snow storm tonight.  Around 5 inches.  It will be nice to ski on some fresh powder.  Today the slopes were a little icy.   Happy Skiing!!! 

Oh.. One more thing that happened today.  I sat next to a man on the bus today from Halls, TN!!! He's an attorney and now considers himself a true Memphian but grew up in Halls.   Not only was he on the same shuttle but he is also staying in the same hotel as us.  He graduated in the 70's.  I wasn't even born.  I wanted to talk more to him but while I was on the bus I think I was a shade of green because as SOON as I got back to the room I threw up!!  I wanted to throw up on him but I held it in (not sure how but I did) 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Trip to Aspen

I don't know why I always get the urge to blog before leaving town.   It's midnight and I have at least 100 other things I should be doing.  PACKING for one!   Tomorrow we are headed to Aspen, CO for a week.   I'm really looking forward to hitting the slopes.  I hope my plans will not be re-routed since Megan is complaining of a sore throat tonight.   A couple of years ago when we went to Aspen,  everyone was sick.  Throwing up sick!! It was terrible.  I even went skiing by myself leaving Dan with two sick kids.   I was determined to hit the slopes.    
Almost everyone's bag is packed.  It's so hard packing for cold weather. Boots, coats, gloves, ski pants, etc... I was very irritated tonight since I was packing for 3 people and Dan was packing for one.   Not to mention I am also trying to leave a clean house.   Cody went home with my mother today.  He loves my mom so much.  Every time she comes here, he gets so excited.  However, my father is not as fond of him.  Especially since last time, he woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stepped in dog poop.  Whoops!!  It's their fault as I know Cody asked to go out.  Ha!!  I'm a little worried about our fish Ray.   He's going to be here alone and I plan to feed him before I leave but what about the rest of the week???   I also totally forgot to ask someone to get our mail.   It's so hard to remember it all.   
Tonight is daylight savings and we are SPRINGING FORWARD.   I really need all the hours I can get of sleep so I may not be the happiest person tomorrow.   
I'm going to try really hard to post while I'm in CO.   Ta ta for now!!! Happy Skiing..  

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family