Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A few updates

First.. Congratulations to Rachel, she will star in Kids Kaberet in April. She found out tonight that she and four other friends made it!!!

Second.. You may remember me telling you that I follow a blog of someone in New Zealand. I'm happy to report that she's ok. She actually lives in Dunedin and the Earthquake was in Christchurch. I believe it's a few hours away.

Third- if you have a 12 year old daughter you may or may not appreciate what I'm about to share with you. Let me first explain that she has a huge passion for Make-Up/bath products. Frankly, I find it annoying! I just wish she would take all that energy and put it into her academics or playing tennis. This week I receive an email from Megan for a special request. I might add this week is Mid Term Exams. Just a side note.

Dear Mom,

Each month I receive 48 dollars. I would like to receive 38 dollars.
In this exchange I would like to have a subscription with
Birchbox is a website that sends you high brand samples each month.
Some brands are Nars, Stilla, Too faced, Benefit, and Bare minerals.
Each month would cost 10 dollars. Rachel recently joined Fantage as a member. She may not
be lowering her allowance 6 dollars, but I would like to.
I think it would be nice to receive a little box each month with beauty samples. The box is pink
and I never get mail, so this could be kind of cool for me. If I don't like it the first time we can cancel.
This may sound silly and NO I did not get this idea from Juicystar07 or her sister, Allthatglitters21.
Thanks so much Mom. Please take this into consideration and remember I would be
lowering my allowance a whole 10 dollars.

Love, Megan (:

My kids get their age in allowance. Megan washes her own clothes and puts them away. I don't help at ALL!!! She also helps with walking the dog. I don't always think they deserve their allowance but I do think it sometimes help with money management. When they want something really bad, I tell them to save their own money. Anyway... I thought this email was cute. She's quite the negotiator. Her email makes it seem like she's lowering her allowance but technically she's still getting 48, she's just spending 10 on make-up. I agreed to the subscription. I'm hoping it will lose it's appeal after the first package arrives. She is referring to a Youtube site in the email that she follows. It's a girl who strictly talks about make-up. The girls have had so many hits on you-tube, companies now send them free make-up for helping advertise. I've accused Megan many times for wanting something just because JuicyStar07 says we should go buy it. this is my life living with a 12 year old.

My Veggie lunch

When I was in Utah and also San Francisco, I had a grilled vegetable sandwich. So I thought I'd try to duplicate the same sandwich; and although not exact, my sandwich fulfills what I have been desiring.


Roasted red peppers (you can buy fresh red peppers but what I use comes in a glass jar from Schnucks)
Wheat bread
Pesto (I bought a jar of basil pesto)

First, peel your eggplant. For lunch I use half of the eggplant. Quarter your eggplant once you have sliced. Place eggplant and roasted red pepper in a skillet with an generous amount of butter. (this is where it becomes less healthy). Add a small amount (1/2tsp)of pesto to the veggies. You can also wait and add it to the bread. As it cooks, take a slice of wheat bread and place on top of your veggies while they cook. This will just toast the bread, you could also use a toaster but why bother. I only use one slice of bread because too much bread can take away from the veggie flavors. Plus, I don't need all those carbohydrates. If you want to avoid the butter, you can cook your veggies on the grill but I'll wait till it warms up outside.
Very simple lunch and quite tasty!! I hope you will try it. I made this for my mom one day and she really enjoyed it and she usually doesn't try many new foods.

Meat Pie Recipe

As promised, here is the recipe to my sister in laws meat pies. I use pie shells instead of making my own crust. I'm not Martha Stewart! The Emeril's Original Essence is also below. You can store it with your spices and it will last for awhile. I really think you will enjoy this dish.

Tourtiere Quebecoise

1 pound of ground pork
1 pound of ground beef
1 1/2 tsp Emeril's Original Essence
1/4 tsp salt 
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 
1/8 tsp ground cloves 
1 1/2 cups chopped yellow onion
1/3 cup chopped celery 
2 tablespoons finely chopped garlic 
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh savory or 1 tsp dried savory
2 tablespoons all purpose flour 
2 cups reduced sodium chicken broth 
1 cup water 
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley 
Pastry for a double crust savory pie or store bought pastry for a double crust pie (deep dish)
1 large egg yolk, beaten with 
1 tablespoon milk 

In a large heavy saucepan over medium high heat, cook the pork and beef. While it is cooking add Essence, salt, pepper, cinnamon, and cloves and cook, stirring to break up any lumps, until the meat is well browned, about 6 min. Add the onion and celery and cook until vegetables are soft, about 4 min. Add the garlic and cook for 1 min. Add the savory and flour and cook, stirring for 2 minutes. 

Add the chicken broth, water and bay leaf and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes, until almost all of the liquid has evaporated and the meat is tender and flavorful. Stir in the parsley. 
Taste and adjust the seasoning, if necessary.  Remove the bay leaf, which is bitter and non-edible.  Set the filling aside to cool to room temperature, then transfer to a medium mixing bowl and refrigerate, covered, until thoroughly chilled, about 2 hours or up to overnight. 

Spoon the chilled meat mixture into the piecrust. Lightly brush the edges of the pastry with some of the beaten egg yolk. 

Unfold the second pastry shell and gently transfer it to the top of the pie.  Trim any edges that hang over. Press to seal edges. 

Cut several small steam vents in the top of the pastry so that steam may escape while the pie is cooking. Refrigerate the pie up to 15 minutes before baking.  

Position rack on lowest rung of oven and preheat the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Cook for 15 minutes at 425 and then lower temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and cook for 45 minutes.  

Emeril's Essence 


2 1/2 tablespoons paprika 
2 tablespoons salt 
2 tablespoons garlic powder
1 tablespoons black pepper
1 tablespoon onion powder
1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 
1 tablespoon dried leaf oregano 
1 tablespoon dried thyme

Combine all ingredients thoroughly and store in airtight jar or container 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Recently, I came across a blog complaining about a friends blog who described her life as perfect. The particular friend thought no ones life could be this perfect and to prove she was the opposite of perfect, she made a list of things that happen in her house to prove her not so perfect life. The way I see it, there's a tad bit of jealous in her blog. This made me think about how I blog and usually I blog about happy things. The majority of my blogs are about my children or our family travels. You could call it bragging- for example Rachel's talent show performance or the excitement of Megan's cheer squad winning a competition. I try not to complain in my blogs, but I thought it too would be fun to make a list of "not so perfect" things that happen in my house. So here goes

1. I yell at my kids

2. My kids smart off on occasion. (refer to no#1)

3. My oldest hit me last night because I used her lotion.

4. We forget to say the prayer at meal time more often than we do say it. (I feel the need to explain but that's not what this list is about)

5. We skip church also more than I find appropriate. (explains all of the above)

6. We eat junk food.

7. Our kids have seen PG-13 and a couple of R rated movies.

8. Our kids have played on the computer all day before.

9. I usually always drive the kids to school in my PJ's.

10. My dog pooped in my office once since we moved in. (this could also be viewed as a good thing)

11. I don't always tell my husband the truth about dates on food. Even if it's two days from expiring, he will not eat it.

12. I don't always tell Megan the truth about if butter is in her food.

13. I'm a liar ( refer to #11 & #12)

14. We eat in bed.

15. I have cursed in front of my kids before.

Oh my.. I think it's time to stop pointing out all our flaws. I think you get the point. Now I feel the need to tell you good things about our family but that will have to be another day. If anything, maybe you will feel better about your own life. I hope your judgement will not be so harsh.
If your wondering, YES my list could be longer.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Talent Show

Rachel performed in the school Talent Show on Tuesday. Check it out at our YOUTUBE channel.

I know the video is not that great but you can still hear it.

Utah Part 2


I may not have told you that our trip to Park City was an Acura Incentive trip and it also took place during Sundance Film Festival. Acura was the official car of Sundance. The first night, there was a reception in the ball room of the hotel and in walks ROBERT REDFORD. No kidding. He came in and spoke for about 10-15 minutes and then left. He told a story about someone parking an Acura in his driveway and how it sat there for weeks because he didn't know who it was from. He later drove it and loved it. Of course he would say that. The second day, Dan and I went skiing but that evening we went to the Premier of "The Music Never Stopped" starring JK Simmons (he was the father in Juno) and Lou Taylor Pucci (I don't know him). The movie was great and there was not a dry eye in the theater. Afterwards..we had our picture made with Lou Taylor Pucci. The next day we went to Olympic Park. The Olympics were held there in 2002 and they showed us the long and short jumps. Then we went OLYMPIC bobsledding. The sled holds 4 people and went up to 80 mph. I absolutely hated the experience and hope to never do it again. My head was thrown around like a bobble head. You are suppose to sit straight and not lose your position but at 80mph and a force of G5, that's nearly impossible for a girl of my size. The experience lasted for 54 seconds but it felt like 5 minutes. My head and upper torso were thrown into my lap and I tried to regain the upright position but it was impossible. When getting out of the sled, Dan ask the professional if he ever got tired of it and he said "No, he loved it". I'm glad someone does.
The third day, we went skiing again but that evening we went to the Premier of "Margin Call" starring Demi Moore, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci (remember him from the Devil Wears Prade, Lovely Bones, Julie and Julia),Jeremy Irons (Die Hard 3), Paul Bettany (T.Ray Owens in the Secret Life of Bees), Zachery Quinto (Spock in Star Trek), Simon Baker (The Mentalist-TV series). So before the movie, we see people staring in one direction and it was Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Then again..we hear more commotion and it's Kevin Spacey. Then more... Kimberly Williams Paisley (married to the famous country singer Brad Paisley and was also in all Father Of the Brides) Kimberly's sister was in the movie and she was there supporting her. Then after the movie, they do a Q&A and the entire cast gets on stage. It was awesome!!! This experience made up for my bobsledding experience. Margin calls is suppose to come out in theaters in the Fall. The music never stopped comes out March 4th. I definitely recommend both.

So...all that was great but it gets better. The last night, we go out clubbing.. yes we were the oldest ones in the CLUB. Word on da street was that NELLY was in da HOUSE!!! So yeap.. we go to this bar in the basement and Nelly shows up at midnight and performs. Unbelievable!!! It was elbow to elbow.. and it was getting "Hot in Here"

Great Trip!!


Am I the only one who follows blogs of people I don't know. Currently, I am following this student who lives in Dunedin. I don't even know where that is, but it must be in Europe. She calls her apartment a FLAT. And refers to her mom as mum. I guess this could also be Australia. I'll look it up and get back to you. Most of what I read about her, is very boring. Her latest crochets or what she's cooking. She really likes to take pictures of food. Anyway... I wonder if there's anyone out there reading my blog and what they may be thinking. Do they feel as they know me personally? Will our paths cross? Hmmmm

Question answered..Dunedin is in New Zealand. I was close..that's an island off of Australia.

My sincere apologies for this very boring blog!!!

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family