Thursday, February 10, 2011

Utah Part 2


I may not have told you that our trip to Park City was an Acura Incentive trip and it also took place during Sundance Film Festival. Acura was the official car of Sundance. The first night, there was a reception in the ball room of the hotel and in walks ROBERT REDFORD. No kidding. He came in and spoke for about 10-15 minutes and then left. He told a story about someone parking an Acura in his driveway and how it sat there for weeks because he didn't know who it was from. He later drove it and loved it. Of course he would say that. The second day, Dan and I went skiing but that evening we went to the Premier of "The Music Never Stopped" starring JK Simmons (he was the father in Juno) and Lou Taylor Pucci (I don't know him). The movie was great and there was not a dry eye in the theater. Afterwards..we had our picture made with Lou Taylor Pucci. The next day we went to Olympic Park. The Olympics were held there in 2002 and they showed us the long and short jumps. Then we went OLYMPIC bobsledding. The sled holds 4 people and went up to 80 mph. I absolutely hated the experience and hope to never do it again. My head was thrown around like a bobble head. You are suppose to sit straight and not lose your position but at 80mph and a force of G5, that's nearly impossible for a girl of my size. The experience lasted for 54 seconds but it felt like 5 minutes. My head and upper torso were thrown into my lap and I tried to regain the upright position but it was impossible. When getting out of the sled, Dan ask the professional if he ever got tired of it and he said "No, he loved it". I'm glad someone does.
The third day, we went skiing again but that evening we went to the Premier of "Margin Call" starring Demi Moore, Kevin Spacey, Stanley Tucci (remember him from the Devil Wears Prade, Lovely Bones, Julie and Julia),Jeremy Irons (Die Hard 3), Paul Bettany (T.Ray Owens in the Secret Life of Bees), Zachery Quinto (Spock in Star Trek), Simon Baker (The Mentalist-TV series). So before the movie, we see people staring in one direction and it was Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Then again..we hear more commotion and it's Kevin Spacey. Then more... Kimberly Williams Paisley (married to the famous country singer Brad Paisley and was also in all Father Of the Brides) Kimberly's sister was in the movie and she was there supporting her. Then after the movie, they do a Q&A and the entire cast gets on stage. It was awesome!!! This experience made up for my bobsledding experience. Margin calls is suppose to come out in theaters in the Fall. The music never stopped comes out March 4th. I definitely recommend both.

So...all that was great but it gets better. The last night, we go out clubbing.. yes we were the oldest ones in the CLUB. Word on da street was that NELLY was in da HOUSE!!! So yeap.. we go to this bar in the basement and Nelly shows up at midnight and performs. Unbelievable!!! It was elbow to elbow.. and it was getting "Hot in Here"

Great Trip!!

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