Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow at Grandma's!!!

I was really really apprehensive about driving to my moms house today. I knew the roads were clear around Germantown but my dad had said Hwy 51 was down to one lane. I was prepared to drive 2 hours if it meant being careful. I really wanted to take the girls sledding. Luckily my fears were pushed aside as I inched closer and closer NORTH. The only road that really bothered me was my mom's road. It was a complete sheet of ice. Several sheets. I made it but my knuckles were white as I held on to the steering wheel. It was all worth it when I saw the girls faces enjoying the snow. Uncle Joe brought over the 4-wheeler and pulled them around on his homemade sled. They had so much fun sledding with their friends and cousins.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bunko Recap...

Here's an update on my BUNKO party. I think everyone had a great time. I received many compliments on the LASAGNA. Check it out at All Recipes.Com. It's called World's Best lasagna. I think it's better the 2nd day because the spices have time to blend.

Around 10 girls came. The dessert was yummy-in my opinion! As I mentioned in a previous blog, everyone brought a regift. One of the ladies brought a Neckline Slimmer. It's a device you put under your chin and it helps you to work the muscles in your neck. The funny story behind her item was that she had received two of them for Christmas. Apparently she complains a lot about her neck. The other funny regift item was a pair of small capri running pants. The lady who brought them wears a small but this particular pair was even smaller. No one in the room is smaller than Jill who brought them. Megan modeled them for us and they fit her perfectly so I stole them from another girl to give to Megan.

It's hard to have a good time at your own party because you don't get the opportunity to sit down and chat. I find this to be true each time I have Bunko. I'm busy cleaning up plates, making sure everyone has something to drink. ETC... It's fun to host it but it's also fun to go to other homes and let them serve you. This should be my last time to host since we will be moving. I doubt I'll get to play bunko with these ladies after I move. So far, people who move out of the neighborhood usually aren't invited back. I'll have to find another group. Boo hoo.....

Friday, January 29, 2010

So much for a SNOW DAY

Wintery Mix is what they like to call it. Snow and Ice mixed together. I call it one big MESS. Slush!! The girls came downstairs dressed for school this morning and they were pleasantly surprised when I told them school was canceled. They spent the day with friends possibly playing in it for 30 minutes or so. Tonight's temperatures will drop below freezing so tomorrow morning should be an even bigger mess. I can hear the tree branches snapping already. I just hope we don't lose power.

This is Poplar at around 11am this morning. Our dry cleaning delivery guy's route had been canceled but he agreed to meet me with the clothes on his way home. Thanks Ritchie at Bensingers!!!

This is a picture my mom emailed to me of their home. I'm so jealous, they got tons more than we did. The benefits of living up North. Although, the flip side to that is when I'm enjoying our 40 and 50 degree temps on Sunday and Monday, they will still be dealing with slush.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Saving $$$$$$$$$$

This week has improved!! Dan fixed our washing machine last night. There was a sock stuck in it. I've heard other moms complain about the missing sock. And I too find it a mystery. Where could it have gone? Now I know. We have a front loader washing machine and the owners manual has a page that tells you what to do when certain things happen. If your machine says F2, try checking the balance of your machine. If your machine is not draining properly, check the hose. AH HA!!! They failed to mention there was another section of the washer that completely comes off with a simple screw driver. Once Dan opened that secret compartment, there it was...the pump. And AH HA!!! Inside was the missing sock!!! I think it's a ploy so you will have to call their repairman.

Time to call the repairman and tell him he's NOT WELCOME HERE.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Just another Manic Monday!!!!!

I was so proud of myself this morning when I thought I had fixed the washing machine. It had stopped working on Saturday and when I called the repairman they told me it would be a week before anyone could come out. So this morning I decided I was going to at least try and see what was wrong. I took the drain hose off and it was clogged. I thought Hallelujah this just may be the problem. The hose was completely closed so I flushed it by blowing air into a nasty pipe. Yuck. Almost a cup of trash came out of it. After attaching the hose back to the washer, it started working. YEAH!!!! Then I was off to the grocery store. I've got Bunko tomorrow night and fixing the washing machine was not on my list of TO DO's. When I returned home Maria informed me that it wasn't working AGAIN. The washing machine would have to wait. I had already called two friends and both agreed that I could wash clothes at their house if needed. I tried searching for a laundry mat online, only to find one in the hood. NO THANKS!!! I can wear dirty clothes (besides I wear my jeans 3 days a week) and I always reuse my bath towels. If only I could teach Dan to reuse his towel. I'm cooking lasagna for tomorrow night's Bunko so as soon as I came home I started in on what turned out to be a 3 hour cooking course. First problem-ONION was rotten. BACK TO THE GROCERY STORE!!! I'm happy to report as of 2:30 this afternoon, there are two Lasagna's in my fridge. Dessert will be made tomorrow morning. Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake-thanks to my friend Christy who cooks desserts more than any other meal. And she's SKINNY!! Appetizer is an easy dip and crackers. Each hostess gets to decide what the THEME of bunko is when it's at their house. We've gone threw at least 3 dozen different themes since I've been playing. My THEME is an ODD one. REGIFT BUNKO. Here's the idea. So many of us recieve items for Christmas that don't make the cut. A Snuggie, a pair of socks, a cuckoo clock, a popcorn machine. ETC... Here's your chance to find a home for it. Bring your item to Bunko in a Brown paper bag. At the end of the night, we'll play dirty Santa and if your lucky, you'll take home one of the better REGIFT items. As of right now, I have an assortment of items that I could regift. Some of them were not gifts but items I actually bought and never gave to anyone. I know I'm cheating but I don't care. I have a candle that someone game me and it smells wonderful and WHO can't use a candle but I've already got 100 candles and I'm moving!!! It will be interesting to see what others bring and their story behind it. "My sister-in law gave this to me and I hate it" or "my husband gave this size small shirt and I wear a large".

I've been having a lot of bad luck the last few days. Maria told me today that I need to go to CHURCH. LOL.. I thought it was funny. We haven't been in two weeks and it's really a sorry excuse. Dan is following a running grid and on Sundays he has his longest run. I could go without him to church but I didn't. What happened on Friday night kicked off my string of bad luck. The girls and I went to the new house around 6pm and when I went to turn on the lights, a spark flew out and all the lights went out. I had my keys in my hand when I turned the lights on. There was a live wire hanging out and apparently my metal key brushed against the live wire. Since we couldn't see, we went back to the car to go home. When I went to put my key in the ignition, it would not fit. I turned the key around believing it was backwards. Another failed attempt so I looked at my key and it was BLACK!! That tiny live wire had burned the key and slightly changed the shape. It was BAZAR!!!! Anyway... I'm going to bed and when I wake up tomorrow I hope that it will be a typical BORING DAY!!! NO SURPRISES!!!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Miami Bound

Dan has been training for several weeks and on January 31 he will run his FIRST Half MARATHON in Miami. On Sunday, he and his running partner Steve ran 12. My job was to pass out water at the half way point. Here's the picture I got of the two.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A new pair of eyes

Just wanted to show the world my new glasses. I got them back in December. In this photo there are marks on my glasses where the lady was centering my eyeball with the glasses. ONE DAY...I will have Lasic surgery... One day!!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just thinking out loud

I've been watching the devastation of Haiti on the news and I can barely believe what I am seeing is true. Dump trucks dumping dead bodies. Bull dozers shoveling cement and bodies. Why???? Then I see other stories of Haitians burying their loved ones. It hardly seems real. Watching it makes me want to help. It makes me wish I was a nurse or doctor. The reality is that I am not either of those and I don't see in the future of becoming one. Some of you reading this will ask WHY NOT?? Why can't you go to school to become a Nurse or Doctor? I'll remind some of you that I did go to Nursing School and FAILED. I gave up to quickly. It was only a matter of repeating clinicals. It's in my personality to give up to quickly. It's a regret I carry. I don't regret what God had in store for me after failing to return to Nursing School. Two beautiful little girls to raise. A family to hold together. I've been the glue. Most days I am happy to be just the glue. Making sure the girls have everything they need. Reminding them to brush their teeth, asking them their spelling words. As for now, I see in the future the same routine. Possibly helping my daughter off to college, going with her to buy the perfect prom dress. Or hopefully being there in the middle of the night when she calls to come get her. It's a simple routine. Most days I am content with this routine. Other days I want more out of life. I suspect I am not alone wanting more. I am not only the glue but I am human.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Books of 2009

It's always a goal of mine to read as many books as possible. I love going into a book store and mentally taking note of all the books I've read that are on one particular shelf. Unfortunately, the list for 2009 is very short. As a matter of fact I thought it was longer. I'll reach for a higher goal in 2010. New this year is reading from my Kindle. I read THE HELP on it and loved using it. I still like reading from a book but I used the Kindle on an airplane and loved not having to carry several books and not having to reposition to turn the page.

1. New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

2. Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

3. The Help by Kathyrn Stockett (ALL TIME FAVORITE)

4. If I'm missing or dead by Janine Latus

5. Knock Out by Suzanne Sommers

6. Small Steps: The year I got polio by Peg Kehret

7. Pink Slip Party by Cara Lockwood

8. Just Beyond the Clouds by Karen Kingsbury

Friday, January 1, 2010

Moving Time

We are moving and it's time to start getting rid of junk. I've been giving stuff away for the last year but it still seems like we have tons more to throw out before we can move. I gave our Christmas trees away. I removed 7 dresses from my closet yesterday as I was getting ready for the New Years Eve party. My mother says if you haven't worn it in 2 years, it's time to throw it out. Tonight I decided to Google "Cleaning out my closet", and Eminem popped up. He really shouldn't talk so bad about his mommy in that song. LOL Then I came across someone's blog about Organization. It suggested I throw 50 things out. My argument is "I HAVE!!" maybe I should throw 200 things out. A couple months ago, Dan and I tackled the garage. He brought a truck home from work and filled it up. Saw horses, bicycles, dog crates, fishing poles, bags of sang....the list goes on. I realize I am a Little Janelle as my family likes to call me. I like hanging on to the coupon for soap I've never used. I keep bows from wrapping paper, big plastic cups from restaurants. I just hate to see things go into a landfill somewhere. I also know there are people out there who can benefit from our junk. Maria (the housekeeper) has plenty of our things already. She took home the two Christmas trees even though her ceilings are 7' and the tree is 9'. She'll find a home for it. She has nieces, nephews, sisters, and friends who will help her find a home for it. So it's all very easy to give stuff away but I think my problem is Organizing what I must keep. This week, I plan to clean out the attic. The Christmas Drummer Boy, sleigh, horse, candy canes, talking Santa-all GONE!!! Yes, Last year our yard looked like the Griswold's. Wicker chairs, 10 easter baskets, swim noodles, army clothes-gone... WHOA!!! Dan's old marine clothing...I bet I'll have to double check with the MR of the house.

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family