Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Top 10 Highlights for 2009

Here are some personal highlights that I enjoyed this year. They are in no particular order.

1. Managed to stay away from McDonalds for a 3rd year in a row.. One small confession, Dan wanted a big mac after a long run one day and I went threw the drive-thru and got him one. None for me though.

2. Saw the Eiffel Tower and the Mona Lisa.
Loved loved Loved going to Paris. I was only there for two nights before going to Italy for an Acura Incentive Trip. It was very romantic just like in all the movies.

3. Went to Graceland for the very first time.
After 34 years the spell is broken. I really enjoyed saying to out of town guest that I had never been. before.

4. Went to Whistler with my family. Canada is a beautiful country. Had a great week with the family. Highlight of this trip was taking a sea plane into Whistler from Vancouver.

5. went to City playoffs with my tennis team.
It was a great feeling to WIN as a team. Fun week with some Fun girls!!

6. Went skiing in CO Tons of fun with family and friends. First year we have skiied as a family and the girls did not go to ski school. Megan and Rachel are finally old enough to keep up.

7. building our new home We bought our property in Nov 2007. We worked with an architect for almost 8 months before breaking ground. Then when the economy hit rock bottom we put construction on hold for a few months. Everything is in full swing now and I'm looking forward to moving in sometime in May or June.

8. Rachel had her first Communion
A very sweet occasion and a special time in Rachel's life. This is one of many steps in the right direction.

9. Participated in the Race for the Cure
I'm not sure why I chose this as a personal highlight but it is the first time in several years to have participated. It was a great day. Both girls also walked/ran in it.

10. Snorkeled with my dad in FL.
This time spent with my father was very very special. He had purchased the snorkeling gear at Wal-mart before going to Destin. One morning we watched from our condo commercial boats drop anchor and let almost 30 people jump in the water and search for the unknown. We thought it was funny they were probably paying almost $30 a head to snorkel when we were doing it for free. (minus the cost of the snorkel gear). We snorkeled for two days and brought back all sorts of goodies including 3 hermit crabs. He and I were a team those two days of snorkeling and I know I will always have that memory.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tennis news

Last Monday, my old 2.5 team met at Starbucks for a Christmas get together. Ratings just came out at the end of November and I have good news, I am officially a 3.0 player. What does that mean? Well not much because I was already playing up a level, but I can not play on my old team with my buddies. Boo Hoo!! Hopefully some of them will also play up a level and I'll still get to play with them.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another Crazy Weekend

Megan ask me on Tuesday if she could have a Christmas party on Friday. I agreed and by Wednesday morning she had already sent out the Evite to 3 little girls. They are older now and I thought "sure I can handle Megan and 3 other little girls". So this past week I prepared by buying the ingredients to make all sorts of cookies, and went by the school to make copies of the Christmas Carols. School let out on Friday at noon for the Christmas break and Rachel ask at the last minute if she could invite Olivia over. Once again I said "SURE". So between lunch time and party time, I mentally prepared myself for what would happen once four 11 year olds were in my house and two 9 year olds. Once everyone was here, we started in on the cookies. I was immediately aware that my help was unwanted. However, without my help the cookies would have burned in the oven. They lost interest fast and only made two sugar cookies. Afterward they went around the neighborhood singing Christmas Carols. Dan arrived home HUNGRY and Whisk them off to eat. That gave me an hour or so to regroup. When they came back, Dan put a movie on and it was smooth sailing from there. I finished making the cookies and made sure they each had a small box to take home.
Saturday was somewhat peaceful until about 2:30. That morning I took Rachel shopping to buy Megan a gift. She knew exactly what to buy so we didn't waste any time. Megan had a basketball game at 3. She made her first basket during a game. YEAH!! As soon as the game ended Megan and I hurried home to change and head to a mother daughter Christmas party. Each girl was to bring an ornament. This is the first year they have played dirty Santa. In the past, we were afraid it would bring tears. They did exceptionally well and everyone seemed to have fun with it.
Today has been somewhat quite. We went to church this morning. We usually sit on the back row but today we sat on the very front row. We arrived early this morning and I said to Dan let's sit closer to the front. He said "no I don't like shaking people's hands and if we sit in the middle, I'll have the front and the back". I then argued my heart needed to sit up front. Meaning I needed to HEAR a good message for once. It's really hard to listen in the back. I am easily distracted. My mind wanders. So he heads directly for the FRONT ROW!! A little close for comfort. After church we came home, baked cookies, wrapped gifts, and cleaned. Dan's parents are arriving tomorrow so I also made lasagna for Tuesday night. Thursday night we will go to my mothers so I still have to decide what we will eat the other nights. More than likely, we will get TAKE-OUT. I have a busy day tomorrow. I've got to sit down and make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I sold an item on EBAY so I have to mail it.'s been a busy week!! Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Good news!!

Rachel tried out for the Jungle Book Play and she got the part of BALOO. We are so excited!! Last year she was in Sleeping Beauty and was a goon with about 5 other kids. It turned out to be a fun part and I thought they stole the show. The play will take place at St. Georges and is Feb. 25-27th. They start practice Jan 5th, every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. So Exciting. Rachel loves the stage. For the Christmas Program she had a duet and sang Away in a Manger. It was precious. Here are a few pics. It was 3rd and 5th grade which was perfect since I so happen to have both in those grades. Hee Hee!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

MY OLDEST turns 11!!!

It wasn't too long ago that I was 11 (23 years ago-HeeHee) and I remember spending the night at my friend Alexis' house with about 10 other girls. It could have been only 5 but it seemed like more. I also remember a sleepover at my friend Lisa's house. We brought out the Quija board at her house and her dad scared the living day lights out of us. Those were good times!!! Megan turned 11 on Tuesday and for her party she invited 8 little girls over for a slumber party. When I was planning the evening, I searched the internet for ideas to keep them entertained. It finally hit me today that when I was young, I would go over to a friends house and my friends and I would stay busy with chatting, laughing, playing, styling each other's hair, playing board games, etc. The mother never had things planned for us to do. If she did, it doesn't stand out in my mind. Tonight I planned a scavenger hunt which lasted for about an hour and a half. The girls were given 20 items to find around the neighborhood. They were to take pictures of them and report back. Each item was worth 5-10 points. Whoever found the most items WON. Some of the items were: pool, tombstone, white dog, american flag, for sale sign.
I think the girls really enjoyed it. After dinner, the girls opened gifts, listened to music, prepared their sleeping bags, and now they are watching a movie. It's 10:33 and I really would like to go to bed. I hope they will consider it before midnight.
It's hard to imagine in 5 years she will be driving. I've always kinda hated the expression "Where have the years gone" or "they grow up so fast".... but now those words sink it, they have a meaning. It's all happening way too fast and I want it to slow down.

Here are some pics from our evening!! ENJOY!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A visit to the Cemetary

WOW!! There are so many stories to unlock in a cemetary!! Today my mom, the girls, my neice and I went to Mary's Chapel Cemetary. Every grave has it's own story and the life that person led. I wish each tombstone could talk. Everytime we'd see a stone, my mother would remember a memory about that person. My mother told me the story of how she had ordered her mother's stone and then her brother later went back and added more wording without her knowing. There is one tombstone in the cemetery that has 8 names on it. Most of them are children and underneath it reads how they died in a Hurricane in 1950. The girls quickly started to do the math on several tombstones and would point out the babies. The oldest relative in the cemetery are my GREAT GREAT grandparents who were born in the 1800's. It's hard to imagine what life was like for them. No cars, No computers, no telephones... maybe not even electricity since it was relatively new. What did their day consist of? Maybe working in their fields or feeding their animals. Did the children walk to school? Did they travel? No alarm clock or ringing phone to wake them up!! 100 years later and things are VERY VERY different.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I just wanted to post some pics of the house. It's really starting to move right along. They are putting up sheetrock right now. It looks more like a home every week. We are expected to move in either in May or June.

Gosh Halloween has come and gone and now it's time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas. It's too bad there not spread out more!! I really dislike putting out Christmas decorations. What a chore!!! Last week Rachel was sick with the FLU. Yes the H1N1. It wasn't so bad. She was sick two days and then by Halloween she walked in the Race for the Cure and that night went trick or treating. A friend of Rachel's had a PARTY for the Cure. Instead of having a regular birthday party, the girls met in the parking lot and then walked the 5K together. She gave all the girls a pink hat and a sash to wear. It was very cute. After the walk, we met back at the cars and had cupcakes and a drink and it was OVER!! I love simple!!! For Halloween, Megan and her friend dressed as a Jelly Bean Bag. It was cute!! Definitely not easy to walk around in and I was surprised they kept it on as long as they did, but before the night was up, they had shed the bags and balloons and were back to wearing normal clothes. Rachel was a Zebra. As they get older the costume becomes less and less of a costume and more of something you'd wear maybe to a party. It's hard as a parent to tell your child "Honey-that doesn't really look like anything". For Megan, I had warned her before hand that her costume would be hard to walk around in but she insisted and luckily it all worked out. Independence has really set in at my house. Megan and her friend wanted to trick or treat alone. That was fine. We live in a safe neighborhood and there were plenty of other 5th graders walking around. Finally at 8pm, I got in my car and went looking for Megan. I told her two more houses and it's time to come in. She pleaded and said "How about 5 more houses". I then said "how about zero houses". They seemed to have worked!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


This is probably my 5th attempt to write a blog and I just can't come up with anything good. Sometimes during the day something will happen and I'll think-OK I'll write about that. But then when I put it on paper it never seems to sound right and I also like to include pictures with my blogs. We just returned from Europe last week and I know you'd enjoy the pictures from the trip but then there were just too many words to describe our trip. Paris, France; Amalfi Coast and Lake Como....I just couldn't condense it. My last practice blog was about Prayer but that too failed when I decided it was too personal. So basically this is a blog about EVERYTHING!! Would you like to know what's going on at the Umansky House? The girls are busy with their friends. Megan had a friend over last night and we went to eat at Stix. Rachel is spending the night with someone tonight. I usually don't like for them to sleeepover on Saturday nights but I let this one slip because it's a new friend. That in itself could be a blog. "What we do for new friends-that we wouldn't for old friends". Dan is busy with work and the new house. They are hanging sheet rock at the new house this week. It's starting to look more and more like a home. We met this week to pick out tile. Amazing how much tile can go into a house. I am busy with tennis and school related projects. I had lunch with my tennis team yesterday. I had hoped my tennis friend whose daughter died would show but unfortunately she is still very depressed and the thought of the club (Macy came to lunch with us one time before) was just too much. She has sorta written off tennis. I'm also starting to dabble again in ebay sales. I listed Megan's North Face coat last night. Someone immediately wrote to me and wanted to "Buy it Now" but they were only willing to pay $20 and they wanted that price to include shipping. The same jacket went for almost 40 two days ago and it did not include shipping. Today is the first Saturday that the girls have not had an activity. There's usually always a football game or birthday party. It's a nice break. Tonight Dan and I have a 40th birthday party to go to. Part of it is suppose to be outside and they are calling for freezing temperatures tonight. It's too bad our spring and fall don't last longer. So I guess that wraps up what's going on at the Umansky's. Not much of anything. And now I feel like deleting this entire post but I won't. I'll let it go! And I'll even add some pictures. HAPPY BLOGGING!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rachel's 9th Birthday

Rachel had a birthday party last weekend. She invited 6 friends to spend the night at the Courtyard Marriott next to the mall. They had an evening of shopping, eating, swimming in the indoor pool and just being silly girls. Rachel's birthday is not until Oct 3rd but we had it early this year because we will be out of town.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Saddened Heart

Today I received news that a friend from our tennis team's daughter died. Macy had Angelman's syndrome. I am writing tonight with a saddened heart for my friend. Hold your babies close to you and love them. Because of Macy's condition, she was almost in constant need of care. Rita has devoted her life to taking care of Macy. She bathed her, she took her to the bathroom, changed her clothes, etc. Her condition did not require much sleep and Rita was awake when Macy was awake. She was much like a newborn. Recently, our tennis team went to the beach and of all the people that needed the break the most it was Rita. She did not make it to the beach. Today she receives an unwanted break. I ask that if you are reading this blog to please remember Rita, Steve and Tyler in your prayers.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Delta Fair

Every year when I was little we would go to the Mid-south Fair. We rode rides, played games, ate until our tummy ached and went to the rodeo. Now I am a parent and it's my turn to share the excitement with my children. The name and location of the fair have changed since I was little but it still holds all the excitement. Megan, her friend Hayes and I went on Saturday and then we returned again on Sunday with only Megan and Rachel. Surprisedly, Megan would not ride many of the bigger rides. Odd since she rode all the rides at Disney World. Smart girl..she must have also spotted the worker holding a wrench next to the Swing Ride. LOL.. At one point they stopped the ride and allowed it to work without any passengers. So my curiosity got the best of me and I ask "What's going on?". He told me when the heat rises they must adjust the hydraulics of the ride. OK????? I'll accept that answer-I think. Rachel was more interested in the games than the rides. Has anyone ever really won at the Ball Toss game? The worker decided he was going to SHOW US HOW'S IT'S DONE. OK.. please do! He misses once, he misses twice and yes even three times!!! So he tries again.. and still misses!!! By then, I had already handed over my $5 dollars for 3 balls. We walked away empty handed but Rachel did manage to go home with a 6ft baseball bat. How you ask? The oldest game around, GUESS your age, Guess your weight, Guess your birthday (by two months in small print). So the worker guesses Megan's weight first and is wrong only because the scale is wrong. Then it's Rachel's turn. I kid you not he says to Rachel "you look like you know where the cookie jar is". Then he also guesses her weight wrong and he say's "alright you little booger picker-go pick out your prize". Unfortunately, I had left my assertive personality at home that day and allowed this man to belittle my daughter. Hopefully this hurtful comment will not leave a scar. I'm ashamed to say that I also laughed at first. I'm not going to write a long excuse as to why I too laughed. I'm not really sure myself. Anyway.. this blog is not going in the direction I had intended. More importantly, we had a blast at the fair. There were times at the fair, I wanted to tell the kids "No you don't need cotton candy!" but I had a flashback of the days at the midsouth fair and I too remember begging for cotton candy, carmel apples, proto pups, funnel cakes, twinkies on a stick (wait a minute-those weren't around when I was little).... HA HA!!! It's great to relive your childhood threw your kids. Maybe one of the reasons-kids are spoiled!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Girl's Trip

It finally happened it!! I took a girls trip. I've been wanting to for years. This past weekend, my tennis captain invited the team to her place in Perdido Key, Florida. We drove down on Thursday and came back Sunday. I was very apprehensive about going. #1 because I leave for Italy Sept 28th and I also just got back from the beach not even two weeks ago. #2 it was the last weekend of the month and in the car business that's always a busy weekend. #3 I'm not extremely close to these girls. They are my tennis buddies so most of the time we are talking tennis talk. Excuses Excuses and more excuses. I'm so glad I went!! Only 6 girls went down. On Thursday evening we ordered pizza and played Mad Gab. What a great game!!! We laughed and laughed over this silly game. Friday, we hit the tennis courts and then the beach. We looked for sea shells, played paddle ball, read books, snorkeled and just had fun being girls. At night, we ate dinner out. The first night we ate at Cobalt located on the bay in Alabama. Perdido Key is not even 5 minutes from the AL state line. On Saturday, we hit the tennis courts again only to play a few games since we were all thinking about the beach. We took the Mad Gab game with us to the beach and stayed until sunset. If you are not familiar with this silly game, one person reads a phrase from the card such as "Whole League How". The other members have to figure out what you are saying. Have you guessed it yet? HOLY COW!!! By the end of the trip we were making up our own Mad Gabs. It was the perfect girls trip!!! Not only did we have fun but we got to know one another off the court. We've been playing with each other for the last 3 to 4 years but this gave us the opportunity to learn a little more than just if she has a good serve or a good backhand. LOL... When I arrived home on Sunday my family was very happy to see me. I think it was good for our family to have MOM gone for a few days. Dan managed to arrange car pool and sleepovers. He picked Megan up on time from a friends house. He took Rachel the right cheerleading uniform after she had packed her sisters instead. He took not two but 4 little girls to eat Saturday night. And he made sure the house was clean when I arrived home. I think I see a trip in the future!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

This BLOG is Strictly CONFIDENTIAL!!!

Today was the first day of school! The girls were so excited. Last night, they planned everything out. First Priority-WHAT TO WEAR?.... Typical girls. So Rachel came downstairs in a purple and black checkered LONG sleeve shirt with PURPLE and Black checkered leggings. She wore bracelets, necklaces and anklets all made from colorful paperclips. To match- BLACK converse shoes with colorful shoestrings! Unfortunately, my daughter will not be on the next Vogue cover. It was hard to not say anything but she wore it with confidence. She loved it and that's all that matters. This reminded me of when I was little and I wanted to buy jeans with holes in them or faded jeans. I can remember my parents saying "I'll put holes in your jeans if you like" or "just wash the jeans a few times and they'll be faded". Megan wore something more acceptable. Jean shorts and a cute top. PHEW!!! I knew the night before her plans to wear the Barney attire so I prepared myself for the stares that we would receive when going to the convocation this morning. But would you believe when we got to school today, there were other little girls dressed in converse shoes with paint splatterd on them and other girls wearing (not the barney get up) but just as hideous.
So it made me smile and almost laugh to myself to understand that I had no sense of fashion. At least not to my 8yr old. This story ends with a happy ending. When Rachel got in the car this afternoon, she said "everyone loved my outfit, they wouldn't stop telling me how cute I looked!!"

Sorry Friends, I didn't take any pics this morning. I'm trying to block it out of my memory.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Cody gets a bath

Cody was at my moms for a whole week and when you go to the country, well, it's hard to stay clean. After his bath, he was so happy that he was running around the yard. My camera didn't capture his happiness but just take my word for it.

Another Birthday

My birthday has always been a special day for me!!! This year was no different!! The celebration started on Tuesday with a special dinner cooked by my mom. Steak, salad, potatoes.. yum yum and then a BEN and Jerry's ice cream cake!!! Perfect!!! On Friday morning, Dan surprised me with a gift which turns out to be a funny story. When we were in Canada, a girlfriend and I used his phone to look up a purse that she has been wanting to buy. Apparently, Dan doesn't remember this and the next day sees a purse that he thinks I had looked up. So Dan surprises me with a purse my friend wanted. It's the thought that counts right???? Not to worry, the purse has already been sent back and I hope (fingers crossed) that another purse is on it's way. (one that I emailed to him after opening the wrong one). So all in all, it's been a great birthday week. That's right, I'm entitled to celebrate the whole week. Here are some silly pictures of me enjoying my birthday with my family!! I wish I had some of that cake left!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

O Canada

We are in Whistler this week for a 20 group meeting. We are so blessed to be here. Whistler is absolutely gorgeous!!! We flew into Vancouver on Sunday and then took a sea plane to Whistler. The ride to Whistler in the sea plane was amazing. The lakes, mountains, volcanos, snow...acres and acres of Douglas Firs....Incredible!!!! We are staying at the Four seasons which is in the Upper Village of Whistler. The winter Olympics are here in February. We bought a few shirts and other things with the Olympic symbol on them. On Monday we went zip lining. See the pics attached. It was so much fun!! At first, I thought "what have I gotten myself into" but it turned out to be unbelievable!!! I'm not sure how high in the air we were but above the trees and then some!!! You have to be 60lbs to do it. The cables will hold 8 SUV's and the trolley attachment you use to hook on the cable will hold 250lbs. Safety was first with the tour guides. They were constantly checking the harnesses and clips. Our group had 3 guides. 2 would go across first to help receive and then one would send.
Today we did the Peak 2 Peak gondola. It is one of the largest gondola's in the world of it's kind. It goes from Blackcomb mountain to Whistler Mt. We first took a chairlift up Blackcomb and then took the P2P over and then took another gondola down. It takes almost an hour and a half. We saw a Mama bear and cub on Whistler Mt. There is a rock formation on top of Whistler that will be the symbol for the olympics. The rock formation looks like a person. I would love to come back for the Olympics. The paraolympics are in March. That too would be incredible to watch!!! Maybe better than the Olympics because they have beaten all the odds.

I've got to sleep. It's midnight here but 2am at home. I'll try to write more tomorrow!!! Enjoy the pics.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Today we went to Graceland with friends from Facebook!! HA Actually, they are friends that I know from school but I speak to them more on FB than in person. It seems to be that way more and more!!! Anyway, Kathy Taylor and I realized that we both had lived here for a very long time but had yet to see the home of ROCK AND ROLL!!! So she planned the day starting at 8am. First stop, the mansion. Not exactly today's definition of a mansion. It was very surreal being inside the home and thinking about his life. How he and Precilia may have set in the Jungle Room or ate dinner from the dinning room table. Or where Lisa Marie may have played. Elvis is buried in the Memorial gardens next to his pool that is shaped like a guitar. Next to his grave is his mother, father, grandmother and a twin brother who died at birth. On his grave it reads "God knew he needed rest so he decided to take him home" As I read those words I thought about Michael Jackson who has recently passed away and how he to may have needed some rest.

Our tour did not stop at the Mansion! OH NO!! We saw Elvis' airplanes, in which one he gave to Lisa Marie for her 9th birthday. We saw his cars...a white one he gave to Pricilla and another made for Frank Sinatra but Elvis wanted it more. We saw Private Elvis-his military days. And we must have walked threw at least 5 gift shops. Every time you end a tour, it ends in the gift shop. It was definitely Elvis overload for me. I'm checking it off my list of things to do. It was a little cheesy but at the same time I enjoyed it and I'm happy we went. For lunch we decided to continue with the Theme and have lunch at HARDROCK CAFE downtown. We got home around 4:30 and now it's midnight so I'm pooped!!! I've seen enough of Memphis for awhile. I even drove by the Lorraine hotel today. I'm curious of how long Graceland will continue to give tours. Eventually, the young will not know who Elvis is, Megan and Rachel can't truly understand his Fame. Heck, I was 3 when he died. Ok so like I said, it's late and I'm exhausted so here are some pics. ENJOY!!
Here's a few songs that you may remember. I'm all shook up!! ...You ain't nothing but a hound dog!!! 'are you lonesome tonight'....


I think this is the first July 4th that I have not spent in the UNITED STATES. We flew to Canada Thursday to visit Dan's parents. They live outside of Montreal in St. Eustache. It was a very quick trip but A FUN one. We went into Montreal on Friday and shopped and also took the girls on the subway. I'm not sure they appreciated the subway like I did the first time I rode it. Probably because they've been on the monorail at Disney and many trams at different airports. What they did get a kick out of was a picture booth. It's one of those booths you go inside and it takes 4 pictures of silly poses.

On Saturday, we went to Arbre en Arbre which translates to TREE to Tree. It is a zipline course located in a wooded area. Dan did the course with the girls but I walked underneath and took pictures. See the picture above. Dan's brother also lives there so his family joined us on Friday. The cousins are 10 and 7. The 10 year old speaks very good English but the 7 year old does not so it's interesting to see them interact. They usually figure out what the other is saying by pointing. Last year, they played Cache Cache. I may have misspelled it but it means hide and go seek. Luckily, Megan and Rachel can count to 10 in French and Emily (7year old) can count in English so it works out. And then there's the older brother Andrew who helps translate. I wish they had the opportunity to see one another more often.

Happy 4th of July!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

A week away from mom & dad!!

The girls returned Saturday from Victory Ranch. They had a great week. I love hearing all the great stories. Megan was in a cabin with two friends from school and Rachel only knew one girl from our neighborhood. This was Rachel's first year to go and Megan's second. They are already begging to go back next year. They were sad to leave on Saturday when we picked them up. Here are a few pictures from their week at camp.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day Dan!!

Happy Father's Day Dan!! We love you!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Dan and I just returned from Sunny California....although we did have some June Gloom. It was still absolutely beautiful. Acura of Memphis has such excellent customer service that they decided to award us a fabulous trip to Newport Coast, California. We stayed at the Pelican Hill Golf Resort which just opened in November 2008. It was superb! We arrived a day earlier so we could take in a few sites. I took a nice walk at Crystal Cove. I went with a few other ladies and we walked over 3 miles. It didn't seem like it with the beautiful view. I shopped, played tennis, and even kayaked. On the final night, entertainment was provided and it was the lovely Vanessa Carlton. She is a phenomenal pianist and singer. I was blown away from her talent. There is nothing like seeing a live performance. She messed up once which I enjoyed because it reminded me that she's not perfect. She actually stopped singing because she forgot the words...she laughed and then started over. Acura also provides activities during your stay. Some of the activities to choose from were: cooking class, massage, Segway, kayaking, shopping shuttle and golf. Dan played golf two days. I went shopping, had a massage and kayaked. Although not in that order. I needed a massage after kayaking but it was actually before!! The pool is one of the largest circular pools around. I couldn't get the whole pool picture unless I was in a plane hovering over. Here are a few pics from our trip. And Thank you to all the employees at Acura of Memphis for providing such GREAT customer service!!!

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family