Saturday, November 26, 2011


So what's life been like since Harrison was born? Exhausting, Emotional, Special, the list goes on... As an older and more experienced mother (yes I like saying that) I feel like I appreciate this time around more so than I did with the older two. Of course I loved my older two and their time was special too but I was also younger and unexperienced. I was always in a hurry for them to reach their next milestone. Crawling, walking, holding their own bottle, slowly becoming less dependent on me. This time...I know how quickly they grow up...and how it becomes harder and harder to protect them.
Harrison has brought much joy to our lives. The girls love holding him and playing that mommy role. Each wanting to change his diaper or rock him to sleep. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant...I cried and cried!! God knew what our family needed. He always knows best.
Everyone said I'd have so much help with an 11 and 13 year old around. Ummmm.. not so true. The girls are SUPER busy with their own schedules. SCHOOL, Gymnastics, cheerleading, dances, friends... friends... And did I mention FRIENDS!! For my oldest her friends take TOP PRIORITY!!! Rachel has actually been a huge help with Harrison. And I'm OH SO THANKFUL!!! Her schedule is not as demanding. And she doesn't have 15 friends.

Thanksgiving was this past week and I just want to say how THANKFUL I am for my family!!! Yes I am seeing things in a new light since Harrison's arrival.

My baby turns 13!!

I do not remember pulling away from my mother when I was a teenager. As a mother though, I can feel it happening. Her friends have taken CENTER STAGE. I do remember loving my friends and how important they were. Talking on the phone, going to their houses, etc. I'm trying to keep in mind it is all very normal. It's been hard trying to find that special time with my daughters since Harrison was born. He has taken center stage with me. Depending on me for everything. Taken from my husband's mouth this morning "He can't even swat a mosquito from his face". So true.
Megan turned 13 on November 17th. Her BIG party is next weekend. She's invited 13 girls over. Yes I cry when I think about it but as Megan says I'll be up anyway with the baby.
Happy Birthday Sweet Daughter!!!!! I look forward to watching you grow into a young lady.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Welcome Baby Harrison

Harrison Umansky

Born: October 26th, 2011 at 7:57am

Weight: 8lbs 6 oz

Our baby boy is finally here and we are delighted!! He is such a joy. So So Sweet!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Diaper Wreath

Yes apparently I have way too much time on my hands. The baby is less than a week away and I'm starting projects that may or may not get finished. I had so much fun yesterday with the Halloween wreath that first thing this morning, I started in on the diaper wreath. I still need a few other items to add to mine but here's the picture of it thus far. I'm planning to hang this on my hospital door. Well-I'm planning on SOMEONE hanging it. I'll probably be oblivious to the world. Dang it-I wish I was having a normal delivery. I want to be one of those moms who are walking around an hour after delivery. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. I'll be stuck to the bed. Then no driving for two weeks. That sucks..!!!! I'm so tired of looking at the walls inside this house. I hope my body will heal quickly and I can then take walks around the neighborhood with the baby. Boo!!! Oh I know I will be too tired to want to walk around the neighborhood but I'm allowed to hope.

This morning Rachel took the Halloween Wreath to her teacher. She wants to make another one so maybe this weekend we'll make one together.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween candy wreath

You can blame Pinterest for this Project. It's a Halloween candy wreath. It was so easy to make and very inexpensive. The candy may have cost more than anything. Here's what you'll need:

CANDY (buy something that doesn't melt, you will need plus or minus 75 pieces)
Hot glue gun
wreath (I used a straw one) $4.00
Ribbon $3.99 but was 40% off ($2.40)
Halloween decor (I used a sign that says Spooky from Hobby Lobby) .67 cents also 40% off. (.40cents)

Total cost= near $10 depending on the price of your candy. Check the dollar tree for all items.

Luckily I have a ribbon maker that I bought at Christmas so making the ribbon was not hard for me. First add the ribbon that you will use to hang it. The bow can be added after you get the majority of the candy on. Use the larger pieces of candy first and then fill in with smaller pieces. I wanted to wrap my straw wreath in the ribbon but I didn't have enough. But it would have been nice to have a orange background so you wouldn't see any of the ugly wreath.

This makes a great teacher gift. I don't plan on keeping it unless the girls insist but I thought I would let one of them take it to their teacher. There are tons of How to videos online. One wreath uses a wire hanger and ties each piece of candy on the hanger. You will use lots more candy that way. Plus you have to buy the candy that is twisted in wrappers, like tootsie rolls or smarties.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Scarf in the works

Here is a project I started not long after starting the blanket when I decided I needed to stick with one knitting project at a time. I love going in the yarn store and buying yarn but I am trying a new approach since yarn can be very expensive. One item at a time!! Funny story (to me at least), when I took the scarf class I was the only one under 70. There were about 6 ladies around the table. All curious about when I was expecting. If they were not asking the teacher for help, they were either talking about their health or their grandchildren. Or maybe great grandchildren. SO WHAT!! I love to knit, too bad only old people like to knit too. Or the truth is, only old people have time for it. After the class was over, I called my girlfriend and told her how thankful I was to have young, hot and healthy friends.

Here's the pattern for the scarf if anyone is interested. You can also look it up online under Molly, designed by Susan Mills. The yarn I am using is Liberty Wool by Classic Elite. 4 balls are needed for a finished length of 72". I am using size 7 needles.

CO (Cast on) 32 sts.
Row 1: p10, (k2,p2) 3 times, k10
Row 2: p10, (k2,p2) 3 times, k10
Row 3: k6, w&t, p6, k9 w&t p9, k6, w&t, p6, p10, (k2,p2) 3 times, k10.
Row 4: k6, w&t, p6, k9 w&t p9, k6, w&t, p6, p10, (k2,p2) 3 times, k10.

Repeat these 4 rows until piece measures 72" or desired length.
BO (bind off). Weave in ends.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rachel turns 11

Tonight we had Rachel's 11th birthday party!! Dan took the kids to the Haunted Corn Maze!! I luckily did not have to go since that type of fun may have sent me into labor. Of course at this point, that may have been a good thing. The boys went home at 10pm but 6 girls are spending the night. So as I write this, Megan is judging Rachel and her friends in some sort of talent contest. I know they plan to stay up all night so I will just have to say GOOD night and see them in the morning. I will set the alarm and pray they don't burn the house down, etc.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Blanket

Just wanted to show you the finished product.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Football Snack

The cheerleaders are taking turns to provide snacks for the football players during recess on Game Day and I thought I'd share our snack. It's one I've made before yet forgot about. Easy to make!! Somewhat healthy...maybe-not! Feel free to add other ingredients. Pretzels, mini marshmallows, etc...



Teddy Grahams


Crunch & Munch caramel popcorn

Reeses's Pieces or M&M's

Final MIX

Our Football Snack

My lastest Project

It's amazing how much time I have now that I'm not playing tennis. So with all that time, I have started knitting a baby blanket. Here is my progress so far. I took a class several years ago and made lots of scarfs but this is only my 3rd blanket. I have about 8 more weeks left before baby Umansky is here which should be plenty of time to finish. Fingers Crossed!! The border of the blanket is a garter stitch and the middle is called a stockinette stitch. The garter stitch helps the ends to lay flat because a Stockinette stitch like to curl. (JUST A LITTLE FYI)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My last entry

I'm feeling a little guilty after writing my last blog entry. I do hope you will forgive me. Tonight I went to Megan's football game and many people ask how I was doing. Friends, Acquaintances- and I felt like all were very genuine in my well being. I guess it's strangers that bother me. Either way.. don't pay any attention to my last entry. Yes I know I could delete it but I won't. GUESS WHAT PEOPLE???? It's almost September!!! YEAH!!! Yeap..I'm crossing the days off.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A blog written by Julie's hormones....warning!!!

Can I just say I am so over being pregnant!!! From day one, I have been emotional, sick, uncomfortable and the list goes on! I'm not a good pregnant person. I'm tired of the comments! I'm tired of discussing how much has changed in 10 years. I'm tired of being ask if we have chosen a name. BTW we have not chosen a name and when we do we will not be sharing it until he makes his debut. Because you ask??? Because you will tell me how you know someone with that particular name or will nod your head as you like it but don't. I recently read that the weather was the most discussed topic of conversation among people. So basically, if people don't know what to say to you they discuss Hurricane Irene. In my case though, I give people a topic. Strangers at the supermarket ask when I'm due, Really lady!!!! Do you really care or do you have another motive? Maybe you want to tell me how your daughter is also expecting. I know you may think I'm being mean and maybe you think people are genuine when they ask. I'm sorry. Next time you have a conversation with a stranger, ask yourself, am I asking questions because I really care about this stranger or because I can't wait to tell her about my situation. Usually it's the second. Humans are very selfish- including myself.

I'm sorry hormonal Julie wrote the above paragraph. I know people mean well and heck I do the same thing. Usually when someone's talking, I can't wait for them to finish so I can tell them my own story. Pitiful I know!!!! This blog alone is all about me!! It's basically a bragging wall. Let's face it though-humans are selfish beings. At least I claim to be selfish and do not deny it. I'm ready for October 26th to be here. Then I will be giving all my time and energy to a precious little boy (not so selfish). Hmmmm???

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!!

This past weekend we celebrated Dan's 40th birthday in Vegas. I don't advise going to Vegas 7 months pregnant. I tried to be a good sport. I hung out at the club two nights in a row sipping on my water all night(2am). I danced next to the skinny minis... wearing their MINIS. (or they were tunics-the girls were confused) I inhaled lots of cigarette smoke. I even hung out at the European pool (boobs everywhere) in my maternity swimsuit. YES I felt like a whale. I had to constantly remind myself that this weekend was not about me and to not let my pregnancy hormones take charge. It was not an easy task! Luckily I was surrounded by some really great friends who made me feel loved and provided enough laughter until the next birthday. Drunks are fun to watch but only for a short time and then you want to punch them!! Ha ha!!! I must say although I was pregnant we had a fabulous time!!! Dan had a great 40th and looks better than he did at 30. He has worked so hard!! I look forward to celebrating again in Vegas at 50 minus the pregnancy!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAN!! I love you!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


In July, we flew to Lake George NY for our summer 20 group meeting. We were expecting a break from the Tennessee heat but instead NY was having their own heat wave. Uggghhhhh!!! Lake George is set in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate NY. Very beautiful lake surrounded by the mountains. It reminded me of Lake Como in Italy. Besides the lake, there isn't much more to do in the community. We stayed at the historic Sagamore hotel which was once owned by the Vanderbilt family. I wasn't impressed with this hotel, I'm really more of a Four Seasons gal. I killed 7 spiders in our room. eeekkkkk...!!!! The place to be at this hotel is not INSIDE but OUTSIDE on the lake. We rented a pontoon every afternoon and took the kids out tubing. The kids loved it!!! We are always with the same group of friends from other Acura dealerships so it's nice to see them every summer since many don't make the Spring and Fall trips. With a new baby on the way, I will not be making our next fall trip. This will give me a chance to find my old body. It's MIA at the present moment. HA HA!!! I forgot how much I hate being pregnant. This baby boy kicks me constantly...and always at night right when I'm trying to go to sleep. Summer has been so long and I can't wait for October to arrive. I'm ready for the newest Umansky member to arrive. If it's ok with everyone else... Can we just skip August and September???

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Tearful Goodbye!!

On June 24th, Maria said her goodbyes!! She has been with our family for 7 years. At first just a housekeeper..but then slowly became a friend and someone my family trusted. She was always there to help when we needed her. Maria decided to finally go home to Mexico. She has two children, three grandchildren and a father waiting for her in Mexico city. Life in America has been good to her but knows she will be happier surrounded by family. Honestly, without family, life is not the same. Good luck Maria!! We will miss you!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We are very excited!!!

Mom and Congress Woman

Mom and Congress Woman

Christmas Family

Christmas Family