Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The END!!

All things must come to an END!! But something else must begin. Not sure how that goes but close enough. School is ending tomorrow!! Goodbye to 4th and 2nd grade and HELLO to summer for now!! Beginnings....Camps, Swim meets, vacations, and lazy days of summer. I can't believe my daughter will be in 5th grade next year!! WOW!!! She is growing up so fast. She is begging for independence but of course I can't seem to let go of the reins. I've loosened up some but not nearly as much as she would like. Luckily for Rachel, she is getting to do so much more than Megan did at her age. Megan went to camp the summer after her 3rd grade year. Rachel is going this summer for the first time. Megan has recently been giving more free range of riding her bicycle around the neighborhood, which in turn means that Rachel can also follow along. Older siblings do have it tough. I believe even Rachel got her ears pierced a year before the age Megan got hers pierced. I guess if I was to have a 3rd, they would even start earlier than the two older ones.
I"m looking forward to a great summer. I'll be sure to post all my exciting adventures.
First up starting this week is City Playoffs. My tennis team made it to City and we start play tomorrow!! YEAH!! I can't wait. Deep down inside I really would love to make it to state. I guess I wouldn't be human if I didn't have some competitiveness inside of me. But I also know that we've accomplished a huge strive by making it this far. Congrats to all my teammates!!! Way to go girls!! ANd GOOD LUCK!!!

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