Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I thought this was a cute pic. At the start of the season both girls were on the same team. Megan begged me to be on a different team because of a friend. She even said "I don't want to play softball if I can't be on Tatums team"..So I got on the phone and did what I could to make her happy. To make a long story short, Megan was placed on her friends team and Rachel was left on the original team. When I called Rachel's coach to tell her what was going on, she was none too happy and thought it was something she had done. Let me set the picture for you, Coach Ray grew up playing softball. You can look at the lady and know that she played softball. She's even got the husky voice to go along with it. So...yes I had made my daughter happy but I had made Coach Ray very unhappy. So poor little Rachel has paid dearly by always being the last to bat, always in outfield, and sometimes catcher. (kids hate catching). Coach doesn't like me at all, which we probably could never be friends anyway. She probably didn't understand why I was giving in to my daughter's plea or why I was making it harder on myself by attending two practices and two games each week. I have no idea myself!! So back to the photo, Rachel and Megan played against each other and Rachel is catcher and Megan is up to bat. I like to imagine that Rachel was saying something mean...Like bata bata bata Strike and Megan was telling her to Put A sock in it!!! At least that's the story I will tell when I show this picture to them 25 years from now. HA HA!!! oh by the way..Rachel's team won that day playing against Megan's team.

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