The girls won 1st place at the Southeastern Competition December 4th!! It was held at the University of Memphis!!! Great job girls!! You've worked hard!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Cheer Competition
The girls won 1st place at the Southeastern Competition December 4th!! It was held at the University of Memphis!!! Great job girls!! You've worked hard!!!
It's been a while since I've's December so that explains it. I'm posting a few pics to help explain my craziness. The first picture is of Megan's cheer team. They all came over one Friday night for pizza and a movie. The squad is made up of 6th, 7th and 8th graders. It was great having them over and getting to know all the different personalities and most importantly..I now know all their names. They started out watching the movie ELF but it only lasted for about 30 minutes before they decided to play hide and go seek followed with dancing to their favorite songs.
So anyway..both girls had a great time at their dances. The
first of many!!!
So one may think I could breathe a little easier after that crazy weekend but NO!!! The one thing I had been preparing for had yet to take place. My girlfriend's SURPRISE 40th Birthday party!!! AT MY HOUSE!!! The decorating, the cooking the midnight text messages to my other friends..oh and the lying was all in preparation for DECEMBER 8th at 10am. It all came together so beautifully and it was with the help of other great friends!!! It was perfect!! And she was so surprised!!!
SO that almost sums up my December.. Oh yeah.. let me throw in the work Acura Party, the 4th grade coffee (at my house) and the Teacher's Annual Breakfast, and tomorrow is the 4th grade Christmas party that with the help of the other room moms, will be a breeze compared to everything else.
No I have not finished my Christmas shopping. No, I have not sent out Christmas Cards!!! And NO!!! I have yet to bake any cookies!!! Ha ha!! It will all come together!!! I am sure of it!!!
Coming Soon----More pictures from the Crazy month of December!! It's not over. We leave for Canada this Sunday!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Megan turns 12
I'm tired so this will be a short post. Megan's not officially 12 until Nov. 17th but tonight we celebrated with a Mall Photo Scavenger Hunt. They had an hour to find all sorts of items and take a picture. There favorite was finding a picture of a cute guy. Their opinion of cute and my opinion of cute are way off. I wish I could post the pics. Way too funny!! I'll see if I can get the girls to forward them to me.
Party Central
Rachel sang at the Mid-South Fair on Saturday. I love to hear her sing. It just brings joy to my heart. I can not help buy smile. I know I know...I'm a little partial. Rachel's performance was not a competition but strictly to help her with stage presence. She and three other children went on stage before the big act. There were very few people in the audience..mostly other parents but no more than 25 people. I'm still amazed at how easy it is for Rachel to go onstage. She doesn't think about it or worry if she'll mess up...doesn't bother singing the song a million times to get it right. She just goes up there and sings. And it was perfect (to me). She also doesn't talk about it after-wards. She doesn't ask if she did OK. It's so natural. Now, I'm not saying she's a natural at singing because she does need work. She needs practice on stage, working the audience, clapping her hands, and really getting into the music. I'm only saying it's way to easy for her to walk on stage. Anyway.. her singing was the highlight of my weekend. I have played the video over and over this weekend and I never get tired of listening to it.
It was a busy weekend!! Rachel had 5 girls over for her 10th birthday party. We heated the pool for 2 days and they swam in it for 30 minutes. Did I expect anything more??? Of course not!!
Monday, October 25, 2010
A visit from Shawinigan
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I will not tell a lie!!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Rachel's birthday Photo Shoot
Destin Continued
I may not have mentioned that I DROVE to Destin. Phew that is a long trip. Was the drive worth it- yeah.. I guess so. I'm still young enough that I can recover fairly quickly. Right??? Dan flew down late on Thursday. I know I know.. but you gotta know Dan and our relationship to understand how he gets away with it. HA HA!!! It's not the first time. And I've even flown coach while he sat in 1st class. I'm laughing about it-so that tells you that I'm not too mad. Just secretly. :-) Actually someone had to bring his bike down for the Tri. Why would that someone be him?
Rachel brought her friend Paulina with us to Destin. I believe Megan had a friend last time so it was Rachel's turn to bring someone. We stayed in a house right on the beach. It was just beautiful!!! The weather was perfect everyday. I only wish next time-we stay a little longer.
Note: The black and white of Rachel and Megan is my attempt with Photography.
I have a lot to write about since my last blog. We just got back from Destin yesterday. It was our fall break. Dan had wanted to compete is a Triathlon down at Seascape, but never fully committed to it until Tuesday. We left for Destin on Thursday. Luckily for him, he's been training. The girls and I arrived at the race around 7:25am and unfortunately missed Dan coming out of the water (Yes-Ocean). We stuck around to see our other friends come out and then headed over to wait for them to return from the 10 mile bike ride. Dan finished the race in 1 hour and 15 min... and some odd seconds. I could not have been any prouder of him for doing this race. He's accomplished so much over the last 3 years involving his health. Last year, he competed in the Miami 1/2 marathon. We stayed in a house with our friends The Delisi's. They have a 3 and 1 year old. Wow-you forget the work involved and your limits. Dinner at 8 was out of the question. They did great though. Megan even rode with them to help out with Gavin (1yr old). She also changed her first diaper on this trip. She's in training. Our other friends, the Weatherly's were also in Destin. All three guys and also Dan's business partner, who runs a store in Daphne AL, all competed in the TRI. Way to go GUYS!!! Your looking good.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
New Favorite Salad
Herb Salad Mix
Swiss Chesse
Newman's Parmesan and Garlic Dressing
Mix above ingredients and EAT UP!!!
Ann made this for Kerry and I at her Jean Shop last week and it was very tasty. I made it again this weekend for Dan and I. He liked it without the avocado.
Swiss Chesse
Newman's Parmesan and Garlic Dressing
Mix above ingredients and EAT UP!!!
Ann made this for Kerry and I at her Jean Shop last week and it was very tasty. I made it again this weekend for Dan and I. He liked it without the avocado.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Autumn Leaves
I had a great time with my mom last night. This is my second time to attend a GOGIRLART party. It was mom's first. She loved it too!! We had an emergency phone call right as we were beginning so it was really hard to concentrate on our painting but we plowed threw. Megan broke her wrist last night at cheer and my sweet mom wanted to leave right away but I said NO!! Dan was more than capable of taking her to the ER and dealing with two hungry children. I knew in my heart he could do it. Did he want to do it-ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! He would have loved for me to have left the art party and release him of his painful duties. I know Megan needed me and wanted her mommy more than her tough daddy but it worked out. Today is a new day and she now is sporting a bright pink cast.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Knee Deep or Thigh High?????

Yesterday I had the wonderful opportunity to go downtown and help my friend at her jean company. It's called Thigh High Jeans. They are recycling old jeans collected in bins around Memphis and then adding powerful messages and cute fabric to the legs. Ann and Kerry are probably two of the most creative people I know. Ann and I have known each other since Rachel started Kindergarten at St. George's. Just to make one pair of jeans takes almost an hour. Washing, splitting the legs open to add fabric, adding the message, adding tags, stamping the label, packaging. My help was definitely needed. I was interested in learning the research that goes behind finding quotes and making sure they are not copyrighted. Did you know no one can use Martin Luther King Jr's quote because his family did not agree to release it? Me either. I always find it interesting to see how businesses are operated. Their workspace is Kerry's art studio and also the old Greyhound building. Check out their jeans at There's two ways to buy a pair. 1. you can either pick from the hundreds they have or 2. you can take them your own favorite pair and have them add the message. 50% of their profit from one pair of jeans goes to charity. Ann and Kerry are "BE the Change you want to SEE"... Great going girls on your new endeavor. I wish you the best of luck!!!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Quick post!!
Since I gave my laptop to my daughter, I am finding it harder and harder to blog. I used to blog late at night, in bed. Not anymore!!! Oh well. This is our third week in school. Everything seems to be going well. Megan has football cheer practice after school and tonight they started competitive cheer practice. Rachel has NO activities right now and I feel really bad because she has been asking to do voice since the end of school last year. Megan's activities always seem to come first for some reason. Don't worry about Rachel, the school plays will start soon enough and she'll most definitely try out. Dan and I went to see Train Monday night and it was AWESOME!!! I had no idea I would know so many songs. I love to sing and dance (not on stage)!!! The Delta Fair starts this weekend and more than likely we will go on Saturday. I can't wait to eat FAIR FOOD!! Yum Yum.. Pronto Pups, Cotton Candy, funnel cake.... OH Yeah!! More time in the gym next week. Speaking of gym.. I went today for the first time in MONTHS. It's not like I haven't been exercising because I have been swimming and playing tennis but today I got on the stair master and treadmill. I still hate the gym. Blah. Why can't everyone be skinny, rich and young?? Just saying???? Wouldn't that be great??? I think so...
So I'm rambling and I should be spending time with my husband who is in bed watching tv.
have a great weekend!!
So I'm rambling and I should be spending time with my husband who is in bed watching tv.
have a great weekend!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Somehow Dan and I have had party after party the last few weeks. We can go months and not do anything and then BAM!! Our school holds an auction every year and this year one of the items was a TOGA party hosted by 6 couples. Dan and I were responsible for dessert. I wish I had pictures of the cute dessert bowls I found at Pier 1. They really have some great serving dishes if your in the market. So here's the pictures I have and I didn't take many because we WOULDN'T want the County Trustee or the Director of Development's pictures to end up on Facebook-NOW WOULD WE??? It was a fun party and by the end of the night-EVERYONE was in the pool. I tried to avoid it but people are not happy until everyone is wet so they throw you in. YEAP!!! Toga and ALL!!!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Rock and Roll
Thursday, August 19, 2010

This week the girls started back to school. Rachel started 4th grade and Megan started 6th grade. Yes.. Middle School... can you believe it? It's been a roller coaster of emotions the last few months. What should I wear? What if I walk into the wrong classroom? What if by accident, something inappropriate pops up on my laptop? Should I tell the teacher or just delete it? What if I have to sit alone at lunch? I remember all to well those same questions when I was in school. My biggest fear too was sitting alone at lunch. Girls can be so mean. And even as an adult I see how mean they can be. Yesterday, Megan came home and told me that a little girl crushed up pretzels and put them in her purse. You don't know how badly I wanted to call her mother, actually someone I'm very close too. Girls can hate someone one minute and be their best friend the next and sure enough a few hours had passed and she was talking about how cute the same girls locker was decorated. Wanting to feel accepted is normal in Middle School so I'm trying very hard to be understanding to her wants and needs right now. Yesterday, the students were allowed to decorate their lockers. The girls took at least a 1/2 hour while the boys took all of 3 min. They found their lockers, they placed their books inside and ta-da, it's done!! No cute pictures inside, hanging wallpaper or fancy erase boards. The other big excitement of the summer was receiving a laptop. Each student is required to have a laptop. Like many of you, we have computers in our home. More than a few. Our children are very familiar with computers but when Megan and the rest of her grade received their own laptops (we gave Megan one that I had received as a Christmas gift in 2008) you would have thought it was her first time to lay eyes on one. She spent hours during the summer video chatting with her friends. This week, I'm happy to report less activity. Apparently they use it in each class. Crazy how times have changed.
I know I haven't mentioned Rachel much, but she's very happy at school. Every morning she takes pride in picking out the right outfit and making sure her hair is just right. Still not quite as obsessive as her older sister. She got a teacher who everyone believed to be really mean. I told Rachel, lets decide for ourselves if she is mean. So complaints. It probably helps that I'm room mom and I did a little sucking up during our parent meeting.
Well, it's the weekend and tomorrow we can all sleep in-YEAH!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Swimming Pools
When I was younger very few people had pools. As a matter of fact, I can name them all on one hand. Now it seems like everyone I know has a swimming pool. I can remember begging my mother to call Mr. Joe Griggs. He not only had a pool but he had an INDOOR pool. He was a member of our church and would sometimes invite us over after lunch on Sundays. There was also Mr. Sammy Morris. A distant relative who said we were always welcome but then they either were never home or their pool equipment was broken. My friend Sarah's Aunt Dorris had a pool too and that was a real treat to go over there. 25 years later and now I have a pool but so does everyone else. Almost all of Megan and Rachel's friends have pools. It's not a treat to go swimming anymore. Sure the kids still love it and they always will but I can still remember the excitement that filled my soul when I was invited swimming.
So to all of the children (big and small) out there...please come swim at my pool. You don't have to beg..just ask politely!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
My girlfriends surprised me Wednesday with a night out of painting. I didn't know what to expect when I pulled up at Buckley's Lunch Box. It's a Deli during the day but by night it turns into a paint party!! My friends provided the food inlcuding sushi, fresh fruit, and wine. All I had to do was show up and paint. After our masterpieces were complete we enjoyed Muddy's cupcakes-Red Velvet-my favorite!! Check out the website if you want to join in on the fun!! It's
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
35 and holding!!!

This year I spent my birthday in Kohler, Wisconsin. Yes where the Kohler faucets, toilets, and tubs are made. We even went to the design center. A bathroom paradise!!! We stayed at the American Club. It was once the old immigration dormitories for the employees of Kohler. The town is pretty much owned by Kohler. When you check in, they give you a card that can be used almost anywhere in town. Now.. if you ask me should you visit Kohler, my answer is absolutely not!! Unless you are a golfer. Whistling Straits is right on Lake Michigan and the course is beautiful. We went there for my Surprise Birthday party. I was a little surprised but little kids just can't keep a secret. Dan tried really hard. First telling me it would just be he and I because it's hard to get a reservation. Then later telling me, our kids would show up later for dessert. I gave him a hard time because I didn't want it to be the two of us for dinner. That's boring!! And I didn't want the kids to show up for dessert, I wanted to share my special day.
We came home Sunday and I was so happy to be home!! I'm checking Kohler off and planning to NEVER return. Funny Story...the girls gave me the book "1000 places to go before you die" and sure enough The American Club is in there. Another reason you can't believe everything you read. I came home to a pool full of water!! Finally we have a pool!!! The best birthday present ever!!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
We've Moved!!

We are finally in our new house!! I couldn't be happier. I'd like to post some pictures but I haven't taken any. The only one I have is this one of the back yard. Notice the huge dust bowl. The pool should be ready in a couple of weeks. I'll try to take one of the front soon. We still have workers in and out daily. Painters, trim guy, audio, etc. That's OK. I'm happy that we sold our previous home!! But even Happier to be in the NEW one. YEAH!!!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Megan takes on FLORIDA-and INDEPENDENCE!!!!!!!

Megan had the opportunity to go to Seaside last week with a friend. When the friend invited her back in April, we explained to Megan that she would need to start saving. She gets $11 a week because she's 11. She's responsible for walking the dog, making her bed, bringing her plate to the sink, etc. It's light work but it's a start. She saved $210 dollars. Megan is home from Florida now but on Day 3 of her 9 day trip, she forwards a picture of her wearing a pearl necklace. The email reads "it was $30 off". I knew right away it was expensive. I later learn it was $120. I'm thinking "oh great-she's already blown all her money." I had mixed emotions. No# 1 It is her money. No# 2 It beats five crappy items that add up to the same amount. I guess I was just hoping she would have spread her money out instead of using half of it on Day 3. It all worked out and apparently she had to do with out other items that caught her eye. So YES a lesson was learned. She also told me that one day when she and her friend were eating ice cream, a little girl and mother were also there and the mother suggested they split an ice cream cone. The little girl apparently didn't like this idea and threw a fit. Megan said "mom.. I hope I never act like that" (sorry but you have) and "the mom was trying to save money". Yeah-another lesson was learned. Phew.. So I am doing something right. The other experience was that she and her friend rented bikes for the week. The bikes come with locks but the girls were not using them and sure enough the bikes were stolen. I think they must have spent 3 days looking for their bikes. They finally found them on the side of the road. I think next time, they will be sure to lock their bikes. I can only HOPE.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Blog 2-Every Step I take..I take for you.
Here's the video I took of them singing the same song that I posted about earlier.
Every Step I take....
I've never downloaded a music video on here before so I'm not sure how this will work. Anyway.. The picture is of Rachel dancing at Victory Ranch. I hope you will take time to click on the video and here the song. It has a great message and it's fun for kids and I actually like the beat too. Rachel's camp made up their own moves. I may not have mentioned it before but Victory Ranch is a Christian summer camp and retreat. I can't speak for other kids but I know my children always come home with a refreshed faith and eagerness to learn more about God.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Victory Ranch

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Megan had a great week at camp but is so happy to be home. She came home so exhausted!! I think she could have slept for two days. She finally broke down Thursday after practicing the same cheer 50 times. Her ability to learn shut down. She also came home hungry. According to her and the other 14 girls on her squad, the food at MSU was disgusting. They walked to the gymnasium everyday, which was probably a 15-20 minute walk. Throw in the 90 degree heat. I know they were happy to go to bed at night. Welcome home Megan!!! You're growing up too fast!!
She's a DINOSAUR not a alligator!! For pete's sake-can't you see that!! Hee hee...I have about 15 pictures from Rachel's recital and only about half are of her smiling. She got upset when her father said she was a cute Alligator. Whoops. I guess I should have warned him. Rachel started Hip Hop back in August and this past Saturday was her 3 minutes of FAME.
Dan and I enjoyed an evening with friends last week.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Cheer Camp
Megan is at Mississippi State University this week for Cheer Camp. Several moms and I drove the girls down on Tuesday. They will be staying until Friday. Megan is rooming with two other girls in the dorms at MSU. She called this morning at 6:45 and I missed her call. Luckily at 7 I called back and she was very happy. Her only complaint was that she didn't have enough blankets. I guess any other mother would jump in her car and drive 2 and half hours to deliver a warmer blanket but not I. I'm happy to report that she called again to say someone loaned her a blanket. Yeah!! It worked out!!
Megan talks very fast so when you are on the phone with her you must listen very carefully. Tonight she used the word LIBERTY. I am not positive what this means but I understand it's some sort of stunt. YIKES. she was talking 90 to nothing.. she mentioned she fell twice and once on her face. OMG... Not good!!! More importantly, I could tell she was having fun. Dear God, please keep my baby and all the other cheerleaders safe!!! No falls!! No breaks!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm just full of information this weekend. The lastest news WE SOLD OUR HOUSE!!!! And what's crazy is we sold it to the first person that looked at it before our house was officially for sale. YEAH!! We have to be out of our current home June 30th. Get ready because it's about to get really crazy around here.
Poetry Contest

Megan wrote a poem and it was chosen out of several hundred city wide. She placed runner up in her grade. Yesterday we went to Davis Kidd for a small reception honoring the 30 students chosen. She named her poem Tik Tok
Tik Tok
Did you ever wonder where you are? Where am I? Where are you? I get lost in the night. I can't sleep, nor see. The flowers grow in my garden and breakfast awaits me. I will brush my teeth. Life, it's important. The clock is ticking.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Dancing with the Stars
Wow Wow and one more WOW!! That was so much fun!! I can't believe I didn't want to go. The dance class took place at 3rd Street Dance in Los Angeles. When we got there we made our introductions. Edyta and Jonathan were waiting on us. I guess Karina couldn't come. Just to warm us up, we did some side steps with an added turn and also added the SHAMPOO (my favorite), guns and the lasso. Very funny and if you catch me doing the Shampoo-you may want to pretend like you don't know me. We also did the Sprinkler which I continued doing the rest of the week and Dan would walk away from me or give me a dirty look. Can't a girl have any fun? Then came the good stuff. First we learned the Cha Cha. Left two then back one, then right two and up one. If your a man it's opposite. With the Cha Cha-we added the New York which is just a turn out instead of the back one and up one. We also learned the Foxtrot and the Promenade. Fun fun stuff. I think I see another lesson in the future. Oh I forgot to mention Edyta-HOT HOT and smoking hot!! The men in the room had a hard time focusing and even I was thinking how unfair it was that I didn't get chosen to have a smoking hot body.
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